Rohingya Crisis

Rohingya Crisis

‘Let’s go home; let’s go to Myanmar’

Thousands of Rohingyas yesterday held a rally in Ukhia of Cox’s Bazar -- to tell the world that they want to go back to their homeland Myanmar, marking World Refugee Day.

2y ago

How Rohingya youth are fighting for education

Abdul Aman, a Rohingya boy of 18, was a student of grade eight in 2017. His dream was to travel abroad for higher education after completing his school.

2y ago

74 Rohingya held after they fled camps

Seventy-four Rohingyas, who managed to flee from camps in Cox’s Bazar, were arrested in Chattogram’s Boalkhali upazila early yesterday.

2y ago

Nowhere to go

Rohingya repatriation has become even more uncertain following the military takeover in Myanmar while the displaced people find it riskier to go back to their motherland where there is no legitimate government right now.

2y ago

Funding on decline, challenges up

As international funding for the Rohingyas declines, Bangladesh faces increasing challenges to manage the displaced people amid little prospect of repatriation anytime soon.

2y ago

Seeking Refuge: 218 Rohingyas died or went missing at sea

At least 218 Rohingyas died or went missing at sea in 2020 as they desperately sought refuge in the Southeast Asian countries either from Myanmar’s Rakhine State or Bangladesh’s Rohingya camps, a new UN report says.

2y ago

Argentine Court: Rohingyas testify about the horrors they faced

In a historic development for Myanmar, Rohingya women have described in an Argentine court of law, under the aegis of universal jurisdiction, how the Myanmar military carried out a brutal massacre in their village.

2y ago

Rohingya women testify in Argentina court on ‘brutal massacre in Rakhine state’

In a historic development, Rohingya women have described how the Myanmar military carried out a brutal massacre in their village, in an Argentinean court of law, under the aegis of universal jurisdiction.

2y ago

Entire education system in Cox's Bazar under threat: CCNF

Cox's Bazar CSO-NGO Forum (CCNF) has called for taking up special rehabilitation programmes for local educational institutions and students affected by the Rohingya influx in Cox's Bazar in 2017.

3y ago

Rohingyas to be repatriated as per 2017 deal: Myanmar minister writes to FM Momen

Myanmar is committed to begin the repatriation of Rohingyas as per the bilateral agreement signed with Bangladesh in 2017, said Myanmar's International Cooperation Affairs Minister Kyaw Tin in a letter to Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen.

3y ago

‘Issuing birth certificates to Rohingyas’: Arrest warrant issued against Sunamganj mayor

A Sunamganj court has issued arrest warrants against five persons including Sunamganj Municipality Mayor Nader Bakht in a case filed over issuing birth certificates to Rohingyas in 2019.

3y ago

Rohingyas will willingly go to Bhasan Char for its facilities and security measures: Home Minister

Rohingyas will willingly go to Bhasan Char in future because of its facilities and the security measures there, said Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal today.

3y ago

Bangladesh expecting to start Rohingya repatriation in 2nd quarter of this year

Bangladesh is expecting to start Rohingya repatriation in the second quarter of this year, Secretary to Ministry of Foreign Affairs Masud Bin Momen said after a trilateral meeting with Myanmar and China.

3y ago

Rohingya repatriation: Bangladesh, Myanmar and China in tripartite talks tomorrow

Bangladesh, Myanmar and China are scheduled to hold a virtual tripartite meeting tomorrow to discuss ways to expedite the Rohingya repatriation process.

3y ago

Rohingyas with Bangladeshi passports considered Bangladeshi: Saudi envoy

Saudi Ambassador to Bangladesh Issa bin Youssef Al-Duhailan today said they are considering those Rohingyas as Bangladeshis who have been to Saudi Arabia with Bangladeshi passports.

3y ago

Rohingyas in Rakhine still subjected to government persecution, violence: Human Rights Watch

The squalid and oppressive conditions imposed on some 600,000 Rohingya have amounted to crimes against humanity of persecution, apartheid, and severe deprivation of liberty, said Human Rights Watch (HRW) yesterday.

3y ago

1,804 Rohingyas reach Bhasan Char from Ctg

A total of 1,804 Rohingyas reached Bhasan Char in Hatiya upazila of Noakhali from Chattogram this morning.

3y ago

1,776 more Rohingyas on their way to Bhasan Char

A total of 1,776 Rohingyas, including women and children, are going to Bhasan Char in the second phase from camps in Cox’s Bazar today.

3y ago
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