‘Only female smokers cause environmental pollution’, man finds in a very private research

Ed's note: Smoking is injurious to your health and the health of others around you.
Smoke from cigarettes causes both health and environmental problems. But a recent research by a Bangladeshi legend has found something new. Man, from Rajshahi, after decades of research, has found that it isn't smoke from cigarettes that causes environmental pollution, rather only smokes from the cigarette of women cause environmental pollution!
The philanthropic researcher didn't confine himself to his house after a world-saving research work. He came out from his house and was looking for female smokers to deliver the result of his research. He raises his voice as soon as he finds a girl smoking.
The man starts to deliver his valuable speech with a packet of cigarettes in his pocket and a cigarette in his hand. While bringing his good tidings to some female smokers, one dared asked him why he was smoking in spite of knowing all the consequences of it. He said, "My dear lady, male smokers don't cause environmental pollution. Only female smokers cause environmental pollution. I found it during one of my very personal research works. So, it doesn't matter whether I, a representative of male, smoke or not as it's not detrimental to environment. So stop smoking and save the world from being destroyed by environmental pollution." After hearing this reply, all the male smokers around started to clap, admiring their new triumph over the fairer sex.