• Humans co-existed with human-like species 300,000-yrs ago

    Scientists unveil the first evidence that early humans co-existed in Africa 300,000 years ago with a small-brained human-like species thought to already be extinct on the continent at that time.

  • Dinosaur named after 'Ghostbusters' beast Zuul

    Scientists name a spiky, tank-like dinosaur that wielded a sledge-hammer tail after the fanciful beast Zuul from the blockbuster film "Ghostbusters".

  • Giant bird-like dinosaur species found in China: Study

    Researchers have discovered a new species of giant, bird-like dinosaur that made nests larger than monster truck tires in what is now central China, a study says.

  • CERN launches key new accelerator

    Europe's top physics lab CERN launches its newest particle accelerator, billed as a key step towards future experiments that could unlock the universe's greatest mysteries.

  • Chinese scientists unlock tea plant genome

    Chinese researchers announce they have successfully sequenced the genome of the evergreen shrub Camellia sinensis, known as tea plant, for the first time.

  • New robotic drill performs skull surgery 50 times faster

    Researchers from the University of Utah create an automated machine that can do a complicated cranial surgery 50 times faster than standard procedures.

  • Narcissism and social networking

    Social networks are an ideal stage for narcissists to showcase themselves. Accordingly, a lot of people with narcissistic traits are drawn to these platforms as a new study conducted by psychologists from Würzburg and Bamberg shows.

  • March for Science,

    Thousands join March for Science

    Thousands of people join a global March for Science with Washington the epicentre of a movement to fight back against what many see as an "assault on facts" by populist politicians.

  • buns

    Salty food stirs hunger more than thirst: Study

    By simulating a space mission to Mars, an international team of researchers notes that eating salty food led to greater hunger than thirst, at least in the long term. The reason seems to be a protective mechanism that conserves water in the kidneys.

  • Dino ancestors looked like crocodiles: Study

    Fossils discovered in Tanzania in the 1930s have helped identify a "missing link" in dinosaur evolution that reveals their ancestors had long necks, walked on four legs and looked like crocodiles.