• Lab-grown sperm makes healthy offspring

    Sperm have been made in the laboratory and used to father healthy baby mice in a pioneering move that could lead to infertility treatments.

  • Telescope finds new galaxies

    An Australian telescope used to broadcast live vision of man's first steps on the moon in 1969 finds hundreds of new galaxies hidden behind the Milky Way by using an innovative receiver that measures radio waves.

  • NASA releases recording of 'outer-space type music' from far side of moon

    "Did you hear that whistling sound too?" "Sounds like -- you know, outer-space type music." "I wonder what it is." The above conversation between Apollo 10 astronauts Eugene Cernan and John Young, as their craft flew around the far side of the moon remained under wraps for over four decades.

  • Bangladeshi scientist among US Presidential awardees

    A Bangladeshi scientist is among the three young UC Berkeley faculty members who have been named the recipients of the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers.

  • Do fishes have feelings?

    Recently a group of scientists from Univesity of Stirling carried out research that looks at one way of answering the question, 'how do we figure out if animals or plants feel?', and found that fish appear more likely to experience emotions that we previously thought.

  • Scientists discover mysterious boiling river in Amazon

    Scientists discover a mysterious river in the Amazon rainforest, and the average temperature of its water is around 86 degree Celsius.

  • SolarCity will use Tesla’s Powerpack to deliver solar power

    No source of energy is perfect and one of the traditional drawbacks of solar energy has been that it’s tough to generate new power when it’s dark outside.

  • Heat goes on: Earth sets 9th straight monthly record

    The January figures are in, and Earth's string of hottest-months-on-record has now reached nine in a row. But NASA said January stood out: The temperature was above normal by the highest margin of any month on record.

  • New species of turtles discovered

    A new species of freshwater turtle has been discovered in Papua New Guinea, a mountainous and tropical country in the south Pacific Ocean.

  • What would happen if Earth fell into a Black Hole?

    Black holes have for long intrigued the human psyche and have been a source of much excitement! And now that gravitational waves have been discovered, interest regarding black holes will surely grow even more.