• Advanced gravity hunt is green lit

    One of the great physics experiments of our age looks ready to begin its quest.

  • Test your brain power

    What English word is always spelled incorrectly? Why can't you take a picture of a man with a wooden leg in Barisal? Test your brain power. See if you can answer these questions.

  • First warm-blooded fish found

    The car-tire-size opah is striking enough thanks to its rotund,silver body. But now, researchers have discovered something surprising about this deep-sea dweller:It's got warm blood.

  • missing link


    In a new study, published in Nature this week, a research team led from Uppsala University in Sweden presents the discovery of a new microbe that represents a missing link in the evolution of complex life.

  • Robotic tentacle targets keyhole surgery

    Italian engineers have built a robotic arm, aimed at improving surgical operations and inspired by the octopus.

  • Top science panel to advise European Commission

    A high level group of scientists is to be recruited to provide independent advice to the European Commission.

  • Rogue spacecraft burnt up on re-entry

    The Russian space agency says that its out-of-control spacecraft has burnt up as it re-entered the Earth's atmosphere.

  • missing messenger

    Mission MESSENGER

    Mission controllers at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland, have confirmed NASA's Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft impacted the surface of Mercury, as anticipated, at 3:26 p.m. EDT.

  • Getting wet feet for Tuvalu

    An artwork that gets your feet wet is about to be unveiled in Venice at the 56th International Biennale.

  • LHC restart sees first collisions

    The Large Hadron Collider smashes protons together for the first time since early 2013.