
The winter has seized my heart,

I can only hear the silence around me now!


I ask myself,

Have I become desperate for company?

Or am I slowly losing myself

In the cage of melancholy?


Have I had enough?

Or do I have to have more?


Why does the past still call me

On the number of my mind?


And lord!

Why does the time remain so blue all the time?


Couldn't it be a little bit merrier sometimes?



I never saw any snow in my state,

But all hearts are frozen here;


All men broken

And all women dead!

Is it just me and my buried melancholy?


Or is it the reality?

The harsh, the dark, the cold!


The writer is a student of Development Studies at the University of Dhaka.



The winter has seized my heart,

I can only hear the silence around me now!


I ask myself,

Have I become desperate for company?

Or am I slowly losing myself

In the cage of melancholy?


Have I had enough?

Or do I have to have more?


Why does the past still call me

On the number of my mind?


And lord!

Why does the time remain so blue all the time?


Couldn't it be a little bit merrier sometimes?



I never saw any snow in my state,

But all hearts are frozen here;


All men broken

And all women dead!

Is it just me and my buried melancholy?


Or is it the reality?

The harsh, the dark, the cold!


The writer is a student of Development Studies at the University of Dhaka.


জলকামান-লাঠিচার্জ করে শাহবাগ মোড় থেকে আন্দোলনকারীদের সরাল পুলিশ

দুপুর আড়াইটার দিকে অবরোধকারীদের রাস্তা থেকে সরাতে লাঠিচার্জ ও জলকামান ব্যবহার শুরু করে পুলিশ। সেখান থেকে বেশ কয়েকজনকে আটক করে নিয়ে যেতেও দেখা যায়। আন্দোনকারীরা ছত্রভঙ্গ হয়ে গেলে ব্যস্ততম এই মোড়...

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