The place had no soul or spirit left, and it was evident in the colourless walls, the unclean glasses, the empty eyes of the server who left me a menu card.
I’d never felt sadder at the prospect of not being a part of someone else’s story.
The infallible whiteness of the walls, the omnipresent smell of disinfectants, and the fields of artificial grass come back to me. Swimming before me are visions of smiling children and the legions of overworked childcare professionals constantly at their service. Every blink threatens to permanently relocate me to their world of ceaseless laughter.
It’s God’s funny way of reminding me that all that is received is a gift that is broken.
When the silence speaks At the dead of these summer nights, It narrates me tales of brave knights
They’re not ready for the truth, they won’t understand. Even if I explain the whole thing to them, they won’t. No matter how I explain why I did what I did, they’ll never get it.
Why did she whisper? She isn’t the whispering kind. Nargis can’t remember the last time she heard Rakib Bhai’s wife whisper.
i exist in the smallest of spaces in the underside of a bed a corner of a balcony
Every time it rains, I am reminded of the story that started but never really had a proper ending.
A hundred years ago humans welcomed a new species of their kind, Homo debilis-sagax.
With each slap, each scream and each punch to the stomach in the bathroom stalls, he learnt the way of the human species.