Published on 12:00 AM, March 28, 2019

The other side of losing weight

Health-wise, it is the best possible outcome that one can hope for. Months (sometimes years) of hard work and maintaining a lifestyle that forced you to take an oath against enjoying the food that you basically lived for (or die of eventually) finally paying off. But losing weight is not about that. There are other cool perks to it that you realise only after completing the transition.


You get to don that favourite Superman t-shirt that you outgrew because of gaining weight. Or that beautiful emerald green overall that's been your go-to choice for weekend hangouts until you simply wouldn't fit in it anymore and would even miss the first few hangouts because of how sad that made you feel. It all starts to 'fit' once again. And while it may seem like an overdramatic load of garbage to some, only the ones who get to relive the experience again can feel its true worth. At least one aspect of life seems to be back to normalcy all of a sudden.


It's not just you who gets to rediscover yourself but the people around you as well seem to find a newly profound interest in this makeover of yours. It usually starts with them commending you for being able to lose weight all the way to the point of complimenting you for looking better than ever (apparently even better than how you looked BEFORE you gained weight) and finally ending with a "Hey, what's your diet?" All of it is flattering, it really is! Although that may not sound believable because the only instant reaction that the person complimenting gets is a wide grin that vividly reminds them of Jack Nicholson's portrayal of the Joker.


This is perhaps the most satisfying of them all. You finally get back one on that aunty next door who has been subtly body-shaming you the entire time. One fine morning she discovers that there is no way to body-shame you anymore and that evil grimace simply fades away. Finally, you have triumphed over your greatest critic and it is a sweet, sweet victory.

P.S. If your ex left you for your weight gain then that's just icing on the cake. Eat that cake!


You can get back to lacing up your boots again if you used to be actively involved in sports before. Or you can start taking those long walks around the streets once again without feeling like you are about to get a heart attack every two minutes. You will even feel better than ever taking those mirror-selfies if that's what you used to do before you couldn't fit into the frame of the mirror.


MD. Zamilur Rahman is a self-proclaimed foodie and comic geek. So if you have enough money to treat him with kacchi he will be interested to hang out with you. Connect with him at your own risk at