Extra Explanations

About 13,000 miles away, dressed, bejewelled, and illuminated by blue, pink, and red lighting is Natalie Wynn, better known as “ContraPoints”. Her videos cover a range of topics, almost all contentious but all important. But the word “cover” doesn’t fully explain all that Wynn discusses in a video. From difficult-sounding terms you may have heard of such as post-modern neo-Marxism to obscure and esoteric terms like “autogynephilia”, Wynn makes daunting topics understandable.

Visually stunning, thought-provoking, and at times shocking, Wynn’s videos educate and entertain. She is a relief for those frustrated with constantly seeing alt-right videos sprout up on YouTube and tackles issues you may have become sick of discussing because of the toxicity in online discourses. She critically examines and breaks down the arguments of the people she both agrees and disagrees with instead of instantly dismissing the views held by people some might think are beyond hope. She does this with flair, but without, and yes this is true, resorting to immature personal attacks and fear-mongering. 

And as you watch her videos, you realise that the issues discussed by this American personality is relevant in the lives of people in Bangladesh. From her videos on incels and Jordan Peterson to her latest video titled “Opulence”, she asks questions you may not have thought of, and sheds a new light on issues you thought you had solidified opinions on, even issues in Bangladesh.   If I’ve convinced you to go and check out her channel and you end up binge-watching her videos which you very well might, guilt is not what you’ll be feeling, because as you finish watching and go about your day, you’ll think back to everything you heard from ContraPoints, and you might just become a changed person.



Extra Explanations

About 13,000 miles away, dressed, bejewelled, and illuminated by blue, pink, and red lighting is Natalie Wynn, better known as “ContraPoints”. Her videos cover a range of topics, almost all contentious but all important. But the word “cover” doesn’t fully explain all that Wynn discusses in a video. From difficult-sounding terms you may have heard of such as post-modern neo-Marxism to obscure and esoteric terms like “autogynephilia”, Wynn makes daunting topics understandable.

Visually stunning, thought-provoking, and at times shocking, Wynn’s videos educate and entertain. She is a relief for those frustrated with constantly seeing alt-right videos sprout up on YouTube and tackles issues you may have become sick of discussing because of the toxicity in online discourses. She critically examines and breaks down the arguments of the people she both agrees and disagrees with instead of instantly dismissing the views held by people some might think are beyond hope. She does this with flair, but without, and yes this is true, resorting to immature personal attacks and fear-mongering. 

And as you watch her videos, you realise that the issues discussed by this American personality is relevant in the lives of people in Bangladesh. From her videos on incels and Jordan Peterson to her latest video titled “Opulence”, she asks questions you may not have thought of, and sheds a new light on issues you thought you had solidified opinions on, even issues in Bangladesh.   If I’ve convinced you to go and check out her channel and you end up binge-watching her videos which you very well might, guilt is not what you’ll be feeling, because as you finish watching and go about your day, you’ll think back to everything you heard from ContraPoints, and you might just become a changed person.



কেরানীগঞ্জে ব্যাংকে জিম্মিদের উদ্ধারে যেকোনো সময় অভিযান: পুলিশ

দক্ষিণ কেরানীগঞ্জ থানার ভারপ্রাপ্ত কর্মকর্তা (ওসি) মাজহারুল ইসলাম দ্য ডেইলি স্টারকে বলেন, ব্যাংকের ওই শাখায় বেশ কিছু মানুষকে জিম্মি করে রাখা হয়েছে। আমরা বাইরে ঘিরে রেখেছি। জিম্মিদের উদ্ধারে যেকোনো...

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