The Bangladeshi Hero Political Compass

An illustration of a political compass and Bangladeshi actors
Design: Fatima Jahan Ena

The political compass is used to easily explain to people how political views work. But its real use would be to find where Bangladeshi heroes fit in. 

Ananta Jalil – Libertarian Right (bottom right)

Ananta Jalil is a man of conviction. People associate him with one thing but he always wants to be associated with another. He is the type of guy who uses his free time to watch educational videos of Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate. He doesn't want to one-track himself and play the same character in every film, so he takes on a variety of different roles. These include a rich muscular policeman, a rich muscular capitalist man who stops crime, a rich muscular special agent who stops birds to stop crime, and a rich muscular textile business owner who also stops crime. It's safe to say he doesn't see himself in these characters. 

Dipjol – Authoritarian Left (top left)

Dipjol is a product of the working class. His heart bleeds red. He is the type of guy that preaches the liberation of the working class through the ways of Maoism and watches Jean Luc-Godard in his free time to quench his thirst for high art and aestheticism. People of the working class look to him and think of him as their rightful leader. He always keeps a copy of the red book in his back pocket. His goal in life is to earn enough money to buy a lottery ticket for the state-organized perfectly legal lottery to earn his financial freedom.

Bappa Raj – Centrist (centre)

One look at him and you would think he can't make head nor tail of what going on around him. His innocent look is just a fad to make believe all the while he is solving the Poincaré Conjecture or working to prove Nostradamus wrong. Bappa Raj definitely knows something but tries to keep everything concealed. He knows a lot more than he lets on. Throughout his career, he chose roles that help him hide his true identity.

Shakib Khan – Authoritarian Right (top right)

Perched in his rightful place in the top right corner is Shakib Khan. Most of his work portrays him as being the best. Now what makes him the best, you say? I don't know. Nobody does. But he is willing to keep his place as the best at any cost all the while doing promotion work for Shakib Khan Number One: 2.

Now, what do you say? Shakib Khan is not the best!!! *loads gun*

Hero Alam – Libertarian Left (bottom left)

Hero Alarm is an advocate of freedom of speech and free will. He doesn't care what people think of him. He is going to do whatever he wants which makes him a threat to national security and often leads to run-ins with the law.


Syed Tamjid Tazwar is a contributor at Shout. Contact him at 


The Bangladeshi Hero Political Compass

An illustration of a political compass and Bangladeshi actors
Design: Fatima Jahan Ena

The political compass is used to easily explain to people how political views work. But its real use would be to find where Bangladeshi heroes fit in. 

Ananta Jalil – Libertarian Right (bottom right)

Ananta Jalil is a man of conviction. People associate him with one thing but he always wants to be associated with another. He is the type of guy who uses his free time to watch educational videos of Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate. He doesn't want to one-track himself and play the same character in every film, so he takes on a variety of different roles. These include a rich muscular policeman, a rich muscular capitalist man who stops crime, a rich muscular special agent who stops birds to stop crime, and a rich muscular textile business owner who also stops crime. It's safe to say he doesn't see himself in these characters. 

Dipjol – Authoritarian Left (top left)

Dipjol is a product of the working class. His heart bleeds red. He is the type of guy that preaches the liberation of the working class through the ways of Maoism and watches Jean Luc-Godard in his free time to quench his thirst for high art and aestheticism. People of the working class look to him and think of him as their rightful leader. He always keeps a copy of the red book in his back pocket. His goal in life is to earn enough money to buy a lottery ticket for the state-organized perfectly legal lottery to earn his financial freedom.

Bappa Raj – Centrist (centre)

One look at him and you would think he can't make head nor tail of what going on around him. His innocent look is just a fad to make believe all the while he is solving the Poincaré Conjecture or working to prove Nostradamus wrong. Bappa Raj definitely knows something but tries to keep everything concealed. He knows a lot more than he lets on. Throughout his career, he chose roles that help him hide his true identity.

Shakib Khan – Authoritarian Right (top right)

Perched in his rightful place in the top right corner is Shakib Khan. Most of his work portrays him as being the best. Now what makes him the best, you say? I don't know. Nobody does. But he is willing to keep his place as the best at any cost all the while doing promotion work for Shakib Khan Number One: 2.

Now, what do you say? Shakib Khan is not the best!!! *loads gun*

Hero Alam – Libertarian Left (bottom left)

Hero Alarm is an advocate of freedom of speech and free will. He doesn't care what people think of him. He is going to do whatever he wants which makes him a threat to national security and often leads to run-ins with the law.


Syed Tamjid Tazwar is a contributor at Shout. Contact him at 


অপারেশন ডেভিল হান্ট: সারা দেশে গ্রেপ্তার ১ হাজার ৩০৮

সারা দেশে অপারেশন ডেভিল হান্ট পরিচালনা করে এক হাজার ৩০৮ জনকে গ্রেপ্তার করেছে আইন-শৃঙ্খলা রক্ষাকারী বাহিনী।

২ ঘণ্টা আগে