Star Literature

Humanity at risk

Was it a spectacle—filmed the whole incident? / Why didn’t you withstand? / Why didn’t you try to desist?
Illustration: Star Books and Literature

We live, not in the dark ages.
But the darkest age;
Here humanity has lost its face; 
Taken a backstage.
Here human life is child's play, 
Innocent lives are prey.

Hunger leads to look for a meal,
Accused, he was there to steal.
Hunger shrieks, hunger kills.
You feed, then kill at will.
It's like a puppet show,
Human sanity, at its low.
The innocent play in the show.
Hyenas all, no kindness you know.

Punches, blows, thrashes rain on him
Confused, he stares. Sobs, his eyes brim;
Unbearable pain, can't move his limbs. 
Blood gushes, he screams and shrieks his plight;
Deaf to his pleas, they cheer in delight.
From oozing wounds, the floor is dyed.

What mirth, what laughter, what pleasure do you gain?
Wolves and hyenas being entertained.
Battered, to the point of nonexistence.

Education, knowledge, wisdom slaughtered at will.
You defile the holy place, that's your new skill.

Was it a spectacle—filmed the whole incident?
Why didn't you withstand?
Why didn't you try to desist? 
Is there no humanity that exists?

Beasts and Satans in form of humans can only enact,
These demonic attacks are the highest forms of cowardice, in fact.
Outrageous acts of barbarism persist.
Sinful pacts of human degradation, no one resists.

Inhuman acts of barbarity, degradation of morality!
Nothing can justify these treacherous acts against Humanity.

May you, who rejoiced, find your sanity back.
In remorse, bow your head in forgiveness.

May the innocent souls find their peace.
O! Angel of humanity, descend on us to release.

Tasneem Hossain, Director, Continuing Education Centre (CEC), is a multilingual poet, columnist, op-ed and fiction writer, translator, and training consultant.



Humanity at risk

Was it a spectacle—filmed the whole incident? / Why didn’t you withstand? / Why didn’t you try to desist?
Illustration: Star Books and Literature

We live, not in the dark ages.
But the darkest age;
Here humanity has lost its face; 
Taken a backstage.
Here human life is child's play, 
Innocent lives are prey.

Hunger leads to look for a meal,
Accused, he was there to steal.
Hunger shrieks, hunger kills.
You feed, then kill at will.
It's like a puppet show,
Human sanity, at its low.
The innocent play in the show.
Hyenas all, no kindness you know.

Punches, blows, thrashes rain on him
Confused, he stares. Sobs, his eyes brim;
Unbearable pain, can't move his limbs. 
Blood gushes, he screams and shrieks his plight;
Deaf to his pleas, they cheer in delight.
From oozing wounds, the floor is dyed.

What mirth, what laughter, what pleasure do you gain?
Wolves and hyenas being entertained.
Battered, to the point of nonexistence.

Education, knowledge, wisdom slaughtered at will.
You defile the holy place, that's your new skill.

Was it a spectacle—filmed the whole incident?
Why didn't you withstand?
Why didn't you try to desist? 
Is there no humanity that exists?

Beasts and Satans in form of humans can only enact,
These demonic attacks are the highest forms of cowardice, in fact.
Outrageous acts of barbarism persist.
Sinful pacts of human degradation, no one resists.

Inhuman acts of barbarity, degradation of morality!
Nothing can justify these treacherous acts against Humanity.

May you, who rejoiced, find your sanity back.
In remorse, bow your head in forgiveness.

May the innocent souls find their peace.
O! Angel of humanity, descend on us to release.

Tasneem Hossain, Director, Continuing Education Centre (CEC), is a multilingual poet, columnist, op-ed and fiction writer, translator, and training consultant.


বায়ুদূষণের প্রভাবে বাংলাদেশে বছরে মৃত্যু লাখের বেশি

বাংলাদেশে বছরে প্রায় এক লাখ দুই হাজার ৪৫৬ জনের বেশি মানুষের মৃত্যুর জন্য দায়ী বায়ুদূষণের ক্ষতিকর প্রভাব।
