The shabby turtle without a shore

Some label you a poet of love so true,
And others say you are one of loneliness,
And some call you the covert lover of Helen,
But I will name you a shabby turtle, who,
wandered without a shore.
Your essence was like the solitary droplet of September rain,
That delicately knocked on the window,
While feeling the presence, all listened.
But never let you stay on their shore.
In talks, paused for thought,
You would hesitate to let go of your tongue,
However, your morning eyes, devoid of warmth, would show.
With slow steps, weighed down, towards the hostel lift you would come,
And some uninvited smiles you would gift, feeling low.
Though tears you dropped off from salient pain,
You still sought for love, as shabby turtles seek for shore.
Under the radiance of the hostel life,
The cheers around you many times echoed,
but could not throw the pain you bore.
But now, I wish you find what you once sought,
May the love await for you in the heights, you thought.
Md. Sajid Hossain is a student at the Department of English at University of Asia Pacific.