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Only balanced urbanisation can make Bangladeshi cities liveable

Around the world, the goal of sustainable urbanisation is to balance it across an entire country. This is unlike what is happening in Bangladesh, where the focus of development projects is often solely on Dhaka. And yet, traffic jams and waterlogging has become a regular thing. It is clear just how overpopulated Dhaka city has become, and after a certain point, the returns on investing in our capital will reach zero. But given the greater connectivity between divisions in recent times, now would be the perfect time for the government to shift its developmental focus to other major cities. Speaking to The Daily Star Opinion about this is Dr Adil Mohammed Khan, faculty member at the Urban and Regional Planning department of Jahangirnagar University. 



Only balanced urbanisation can make Bangladeshi cities liveable

Around the world, the goal of sustainable urbanisation is to balance it across an entire country. This is unlike what is happening in Bangladesh, where the focus of development projects is often solely on Dhaka. And yet, traffic jams and waterlogging has become a regular thing. It is clear just how overpopulated Dhaka city has become, and after a certain point, the returns on investing in our capital will reach zero. But given the greater connectivity between divisions in recent times, now would be the perfect time for the government to shift its developmental focus to other major cities. Speaking to The Daily Star Opinion about this is Dr Adil Mohammed Khan, faculty member at the Urban and Regional Planning department of Jahangirnagar University. 



গণঅভ্যুত্থানে আহতদের পুনর্বাসন ও ক্ষতিপূরণের দাবিতে শাহবাগে অবরোধ

সকাল ১১টা থেকে শাহবাগে অবস্থান নেন ৩০-৪০ আন্দোলনকারী। সরকারের পক্ষ থেকে তাদের সঙ্গে আলোচনায় বসার জন্য দুপুর ২টা পর্যন্ত সময় বেঁধে দেন তারা। বিকেল ৩টায় শেষ খবর পাওয়া পর্যন্ত তারা রাস্তায় অবস্থান...

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