Dhaka city

5 reasons why Dhaka is so rude

Let’s neither beat about the bush nor indulge in sugar-coating because we neither have the time nor the empathy for any of that. The plain fact is -- Dhaka is an impatient, mean, rude, cruel, and selfish city. Call it “cranky Dhaka” if you will!

Has Dhaka become a status city?

The status city often serves the privileged, while the huddling masses eke out a minimal existence

#Perspective / Friendship knows no time: Dhaka's heart-warming hospitality

Dhaka means the world to me. Most of my professional life has been here and a large chunk of my personal life is intrinsically linked with Dhaka. I am never tired of the city. Yes, there are obstacles. Yes, there are resource shortages. Yes, there are insane traffic snarls. But there is one thing which is never in short supply — great people!

Is urbanisation in Bangladesh doomed?

Major cities, including metropolises like Dhaka and Chattogram, consistently rank among the world's least liveable urban areas.

My Dhaka / A Sri Lankan’s memory of Dhaka

Over the course of my career, I have spent a significant amount of time in Dhaka, Bangladesh and various other locations in the country.

READERS' POV / Why aren’t we doing enough to fix electric wires?

The tragedy in Mirpur is a heartbreaking reminder of the pressing need to address this issue urgently.

My Dhaka / Dhaka: Day one and counting

There are too many people in Dhaka. So many that it’s choking the city. However, every person here is here for a reason.

My Dhaka / Diversity of Dhaka: Crowd, food and localities

Being the central hub of Bangladesh, Dhaka has seen an influx of people from various corners of the country making it the true melting pot of cultures.

The archive of Dhaka beneath the city

You were chosen because of your heart. Because of the incredible love you carry, despite the cruelty of this hungry city. Because of the strength you have, forged by the trials and tribulations of Dhaka.

May 25, 2024
May 25, 2024

5 reasons why Dhaka is so rude

Let’s neither beat about the bush nor indulge in sugar-coating because we neither have the time nor the empathy for any of that. The plain fact is -- Dhaka is an impatient, mean, rude, cruel, and selfish city. Call it “cranky Dhaka” if you will!

January 26, 2024
January 26, 2024

Has Dhaka become a status city?

The status city often serves the privileged, while the huddling masses eke out a minimal existence

January 14, 2024
January 14, 2024

Friendship knows no time: Dhaka's heart-warming hospitality

Dhaka means the world to me. Most of my professional life has been here and a large chunk of my personal life is intrinsically linked with Dhaka. I am never tired of the city. Yes, there are obstacles. Yes, there are resource shortages. Yes, there are insane traffic snarls. But there is one thing which is never in short supply — great people!

October 22, 2023
October 22, 2023

Is urbanisation in Bangladesh doomed?

Major cities, including metropolises like Dhaka and Chattogram, consistently rank among the world's least liveable urban areas.

September 27, 2023
September 27, 2023

A Sri Lankan’s memory of Dhaka

Over the course of my career, I have spent a significant amount of time in Dhaka, Bangladesh and various other locations in the country.

September 24, 2023
September 24, 2023

Why aren’t we doing enough to fix electric wires?

The tragedy in Mirpur is a heartbreaking reminder of the pressing need to address this issue urgently.

September 8, 2023
September 8, 2023

Dhaka: Day one and counting

There are too many people in Dhaka. So many that it’s choking the city. However, every person here is here for a reason.

August 14, 2023
August 14, 2023

Diversity of Dhaka: Crowd, food and localities

Being the central hub of Bangladesh, Dhaka has seen an influx of people from various corners of the country making it the true melting pot of cultures.

July 16, 2023
July 16, 2023

The archive of Dhaka beneath the city

You were chosen because of your heart. Because of the incredible love you carry, despite the cruelty of this hungry city. Because of the strength you have, forged by the trials and tribulations of Dhaka.

July 7, 2023
July 7, 2023

Don't we deserve a safer Dhaka?

The more things change, the more they remain the same – is there any phrase that captures Dhaka as succinctly? On the one hand, our capital city is growing at an unimaginable pace, with rapid changes to its skyline and outskirts.

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