24th Anniversary of The Daily Star (Part-2)

24th Anniversary of The Daily Star (Part-2)

24th Anniversary of The Daily Star (Part 2) / Armchair activism

Was 2014 the year technology and social media took over activism?

9y ago

24th Anniversary of The Daily Star (Part 2) / Why you should care about Fair Trade

Have you ever thought about where the products you use everyday come from?

9y ago

24th Anniversary of The Daily Star (Part 2) / BRANDING BANGLADESH

CONSIDERING how difficult it is to establish truly global brands, the tragic event made the task even more difficult.

9y ago

24th Anniversary of The Daily Star (Part 2) / At your service

Many businesses forget that human interaction is the foundation of all institutions. Individuals make a family unit which collectively creates a neighbourhood which then builds a town and so on and so forth till nations come into being forming the world that we inhabit today.

9y ago

24th Anniversary of The Daily Star (Part 2) / Targeting higher hanging fruits

BANGLADESH'S recent socio-economic progress has attracted wide attention globally. In an article, the editor of The Telegraph, India reflected on how Bangladesh has weathered all odds and is now able to proudly move forward. He compared Bangladesh's achievements to that of his native state, West Bengal and lamented how the latter was falling behind.

9y ago

24th Anniversary of The Daily Star (Part 2) / Health sector demonstrates the incredible power of the "system"

Abook published a decade ago by the United Nations (2005) titled “Public Enterprises: Unresolved challenges and new opportunities” stated that the performance of public enterprises is determined 80 percent by the system, 16 percent by the leadership and only four percent by rest of the staff.

9y ago

24th Anniversary of The Daily Star (Part 2) / Education policy: Challenges of implementation

First of all it must be admitted that we have been able to formulate and work out an Education Policy after decades of polemics.

9y ago

24th Anniversary of The Daily Star (Part 2) / Paving the way to future?

In an article for The Daily Star, I had written:“A new National Education Policy was announced by the government in June 2010.

9y ago

Higher education and a riveting rumination

Again loomed the political bedlams and remained education in the gloom and doldrums.

9y ago

Degrees of empowerment: Higher education and its challenges

In 1837 Ralph Waldo Emerson spoke to Harvard's Phi Beta Kappa Society about the responsibilities of a scholar and the role played by an institution of higher learning in shaping the mind.

9y ago

Consequences of capital flight

Aconsensus cannot be reached on what precisely constitutes capital flight.

9y ago

Investment scenario

Investment in Bangladesh has been taking a steep rise, with sustained growth from 2009 and policy regimes becoming more conducive. Since time immemorial, Bangladesh has harboured the spirit of free enterprise and innovative entrepreneurship, which is well-knit into the economic fabric of Bangladesh.

9y ago

The importance of FDI: Constraints and potential

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is recognised as a powerful engine for economic growth.

9y ago

"Ensure business-friendly environment," DCCI President emphasises

"POLITICAL stability is crucial for all areas of the economy, including exports, investment, business confidence, and industrial and agricultural production," says Hossain Khaled, president of Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI).

9y ago

SME development

ACCORDING to the National Industrial Policy 2010, any firm employing more than 10 but less than 25 workers is called a micro-enterprise.

9y ago

BCIM – Economic opportunities for Bangladesh

The Asian Century has begun with the conjunction of the two growth poles of Asia – the East and South Asia through the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor Initiative (BCIM-EC).

9y ago

Bangladesh in regional and interregional blocs

By forming an association or bloc of countries in a region, individual member countries can rapidly achieve political stability and economic prosperity as it helps create employment, combat terrorism and improve living standards via the implementation of thought-out projects.

9y ago

Foreign investors follow local investors In conversation with President, MCCI

BUSINESSES have been affected most from the current turbulent political situation. Both the export and the domestic businesses have been passing through a difficult time.

9y ago