25th anniversary special part-1

25th anniversary special part-1

Silver jubilee special / The green gold of Bangladesh: Microalgae Biomass

With a population growth of nearly 1.38%, Bangladesh will have 200 million inhabitants by 2050, which will lead to national challenges

8y ago

Silver jubilee special / DNCC U–LOOP Program

It is not often that I have the opportunity to write about some specific short term relief program for Dhaka's transport problems that is

8y ago

Silver jubilee special / Urban extreme events and 'Old Dhaka'

Dhaka—like other rapidly urbanising megacities in the tropics, is facing overwhelming demand for buildable land, which continues to

8y ago

Silver jubilee special / E-Governance and Bangladesh

Electronic-governance (e-governance in short) involves the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and its numerous

8y ago

Silver jubilee special / ICTs bringing new dimensions of service delivery

ICTs have dramatically changed service models in the last two decades. Many jobs have been made more efficient and less

8y ago

Silver jubilee special / Potentials of biotechnology

Biotechnology is the application of any technology to biological systems and living organisms or derivatives to develop or make useful

8y ago

Silver jubilee special / Facebook and the myth of free internet

Almost a year ago, Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) Chairman Sunil Kanti Bose made the comment that

8y ago


Bangladesh has been experiencing a huge gap between supply and demand of electricity; 40% of the population still do not have access to electricity.

8y ago

Capital market needs better listings

The capital market is in good shape now that our twin bourses have been de-mutualised with the view to ensure transparency, efficiency and accountability in the stock market, i.e. the ownership of stock exchanges has been separated from the management. But we still have a long way to go, especially since the market is facing a dearth of quality issues.

8y ago

Integrated resource planning and the power sector

Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) is a planning approach that has the potential to take a society-wide perspective, incorporate public..

8y ago

Foreign investments under a heterodox microscope

Economics is not a science. As much as those of us studying and practicing the discipline would like to place it in the same category as the hard, positivist sciences, the fact of the matter is that it simply isn't. Unlike the hard sciences, we cannot embark upon environmentally controlled experiments using humans as lab rats to find out the truth of a particular economic theory.

8y ago

Exporting the Chinese Model

As 2016 begins, an historic contest is underway over competing development models – that is, strategies to promote economic growth – between China, on the one hand, and the US and other Western countries on the other. Although this contest has been largely hidden from public view, the outcome will determine the fate of much of Eurasia for decades to come.

8y ago

Bangladesh: Gateway to three civilisations

Bangladesh is a country uniquely located in the world. Like a hem it geographically stiches three mega civilisations and three mega growth centres

8y ago

Voluntarism now, educating the children

This city has arguably never before been in the grip of such treacherous traffic jam as in the past few weeks.

8y ago

Green financing to achieve sustainable development

To enhance the new global agenda, SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) seeks for the innovative development plans and policies in all sectors of national development. The various initiatives towards achieving sustainable development are just in the process of thinking, discussion, drafting, or at the stage of building awareness of the global community only. Since 1992 we have started cherishing the concept of our development.

8y ago

Editor's Note

On the auspicious occasion of the silver jubilee celebrations of The Daily Star's journey, we have immense pleasure to launch a special supplement series beginning today.

8y ago

Energy consumption and urban texture: A case study of Dhaka

Energy is a burning issue for the twenty-first century Bangladesh. With the ever growing demand for energy to cope with a developing economy ...

8y ago

Robi Airtel Merger: An opportunity to ponder

In September 2015, Robi Axiata Limited (Robi) and Airtel Bangladesh Limited (Airtel) expressed their desire to merge and made an application to the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) for initiating the merger process and recommendation for approval. If approved, Robi will have a 75% stake and Airtel a 25% stake in the merged company.

8y ago