Watch the top ten Bangla songs on YouTube coming out of the Bangla music industry this passing year; all in one place!
Last year has been one of continuous shocks as well as pleasant surprises both on the international and home fronts.
Regrettably, 2015 started on the same pitch as did 2014 - with hartal and blockades by the Jamaat-BNP alliance and with the leader...
In 2015, “fascism” once again became the highest-octane political epithet in general use. Of course, the temptation to apply the fascism label...
THE year 2015 began with a perilous journey of confrontation between the main opposition and the government. On the anniversary of the 2014...
"It cannot be accepted that they cannot give 7.5 percent VAT while they pay Tk 30,000-Tk 50,000 as tuition fees.”
AS 2015 draws to a close, we stand witness to another year of world-wide terrorist activities threatening peace and security.
THE November 13 terrorist attacks in Paris – which struck at the heart of France and of Europe as a whole – have brought the terrorist threat...
This year Europe suffered the worst terrorist attacks in 11 years with Paris being hit two times.
The economy, moreover, is on a strong footing with the gross domestic product growing above 6 percent. Inflation has fallen to its lowest level in 10 months in November. It averaged at a stable 6.21 percent throughout the year.
Cultural events around the year 2015. Ustad Rahat Fateh Ali Khan performs at the Sufi Music Festival...
Former US Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke once said that the world is suffering from a “savings glut.”
Encroachment and pollution of its water channels, rivers, wetlands, retention areas, beels and jheels.
The Sundarbans has been subjected to natural and manmade calamities for many decades. Declared a World Heritage Site by the United Nations...
Rivers in the country, mainly the small and medium sized ones, are being filled up from bank-side; land is developed for various...
It may be noted that in Copenhagen Bangladesh had placed 1.5 degree centigrade as the preferred objective on behalf of the LDCs and most vulnerable states.