The Chorki Original series “Dui Shaw” offers a spine-chilling new horror experience, directed by Nuhash Humayun. The four-episode series will premiere its first episode, “Waqt,” on the Chorki OTT platform at 12 am on December 19. The trailer was released on December 12.
Channel i Digital Media Awards 2022 was hosted by Neel Hurerzahan and it honoured the best of the talents and noted artistes on digital platforms in 20 categories.
Abdullah Al Sentu had been affiliated with the world of acting since he was in grade five, having both directed and acted on stage with Chandraboti Theatre. After honing his skills, he travelled to Dhaka in 2016, opting to work in short films.
The Chorki Original series “Dui Shaw” offers a spine-chilling new horror experience, directed by Nuhash Humayun. The four-episode series will premiere its first episode, “Waqt,” on the Chorki OTT platform at 12 am on December 19. The trailer was released on December 12.
Channel i Digital Media Awards 2022 was hosted by Neel Hurerzahan and it honoured the best of the talents and noted artistes on digital platforms in 20 categories.
Abdullah Al Sentu had been affiliated with the world of acting since he was in grade five, having both directed and acted on stage with Chandraboti Theatre. After honing his skills, he travelled to Dhaka in 2016, opting to work in short films.