attack quota reformists

Quota Reform Movement / Just arrest!

Not only there has been no action against the BCL men who beat up quota reformists at different universities, a group of citizens who tried to stage a peaceful protest against the attacks were dispersed in police action yesterday.

Editorial / Address issues concerning quota system

We are puzzled that a committee has now been formed to “review or reform or cancel” the quota system for the civil service, come as it does after the prime minister had already announced in parliament on April 11 that quotas in public service recruitment will be abolished and later, on June 26, that a committee led by the cabinet secretary was working to resolve the matter.

July 4, 2018
July 4, 2018

Address issues concerning quota system

We are puzzled that a committee has now been formed to “review or reform or cancel” the quota system for the civil service, come as it does after the prime minister had already announced in parliament on April 11 that quotas in public service recruitment will be abolished and later, on June 26, that a committee led by the cabinet secretary was working to resolve the matter.

July 4, 2018
July 4, 2018

Just arrest!

Not only there has been no action against the BCL men who beat up quota reformists at different universities, a group of citizens who tried to stage a peaceful protest against the attacks were dispersed in police action yesterday.