Bangladesh politics

No competitive politics left in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has turned into a “one-party” state as the ruling party stamps out political competition, Nobel Peace laureate Muhammad Yunus, a pioneer of the global microcredit movement, said in an interview.

Why are so many upazila poll candidates so rich?

TIB analysis of upazila candidates’ affidavits brings out "shocking" results

Does continuity of a regime guarantee stability and development?

The test of a country’s stability is to what extent it can remain insensitive to any sort of change of government or leadership.

A prelude to tomorrow

Sometimes, our lust for power brings hell to earth. We let the fire burn and kill humanity.

From one party to one person: What was de facto is now de jure

The most important outcome of this election is the emergence of Sheikh Hasina as the supreme leader of the country.

‘It is obvious that there will be no effective parliamentary opposition’

Advocate Sultana Kamal speaks with Eresh Omar Jamal of The Daily Star about Bangladesh’s 12th parliamentary election and its ramifications for the country’s political and governance landscapes.

‘All that matters to AL is acquiring power.’

This election will push the whole country towards further uncertainty and close the door to constructive politics in Bangladesh.

A ‘dummy-cratic’ election in democratic Bangladesh?

After the election is over, the meaning of democracy will change to mean coercion.

‘Why would Awami League need to resort to rigging in this scenario?’

Awami League has no incentive to rig the election, and doubting this suggests a lack of rationality.

June 12, 2024
June 12, 2024

No competitive politics left in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has turned into a “one-party” state as the ruling party stamps out political competition, Nobel Peace laureate Muhammad Yunus, a pioneer of the global microcredit movement, said in an interview.

May 8, 2024
May 8, 2024

Why are so many upazila poll candidates so rich?

TIB analysis of upazila candidates’ affidavits brings out "shocking" results

April 29, 2024
April 29, 2024

Does continuity of a regime guarantee stability and development?

The test of a country’s stability is to what extent it can remain insensitive to any sort of change of government or leadership.

January 12, 2024
January 12, 2024

A prelude to tomorrow

Sometimes, our lust for power brings hell to earth. We let the fire burn and kill humanity.

January 12, 2024
January 12, 2024

From one party to one person: What was de facto is now de jure

The most important outcome of this election is the emergence of Sheikh Hasina as the supreme leader of the country.

January 10, 2024
January 10, 2024

‘It is obvious that there will be no effective parliamentary opposition’

Advocate Sultana Kamal speaks with Eresh Omar Jamal of The Daily Star about Bangladesh’s 12th parliamentary election and its ramifications for the country’s political and governance landscapes.

January 5, 2024
January 5, 2024

‘All that matters to AL is acquiring power.’

This election will push the whole country towards further uncertainty and close the door to constructive politics in Bangladesh.

January 5, 2024
January 5, 2024

A ‘dummy-cratic’ election in democratic Bangladesh?

After the election is over, the meaning of democracy will change to mean coercion.

January 5, 2024
January 5, 2024

‘I see no reason to call this an election.’

We already know that only a small group of experts will observe the election and that most major countries will not send their observers.

January 5, 2024
January 5, 2024

‘Why would Awami League need to resort to rigging in this scenario?’

Awami League has no incentive to rig the election, and doubting this suggests a lack of rationality.

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