The popular children’s show “Sisimpur” has launched an exciting new initiative for young learners. This time, the programme has introduced a special series featuring 40 of the most well-known and cherished Bangla nursery rhymes. The rhymes are performed by the show’s adored characters—Halum, Tuktuki, Ikri, and Shiku—making the experience both fun and engaging for kids.
The dynamic band Firoze Jong, known for its popularity among young audiences, is set to perform at the “Dhaka Vibes” concert.
Today marks the 125th birth anniversary of our national poet, Kazi Nazrul Islam. His stories and novels, which still inspire numerous films, have led to Bangladeshi productions being crafted around his ideas. Prominent Bangladeshi actresses, notably Rozina, Moushumi, and Purnima, have played significant roles in these adaptations. The occasion of the day thus calls for a recollection of their contributions to Nazrul-inspired cinema.
Veteran singer Runa Laila is set to sing a patriotic song titled “Bangladesh” featuring 100 children from the Bangladesh Shishu Academy, adding more significance to the special day.
Renowned American dance company Spectrum Dance Theater will culminate their month-long residency in Bangladesh in collaboration with renowned dance school Shadhona, with a live performance “Looking Forward to the Past” – an intercultural dance production, at Bangladesh Shishu Academy on May 28 at 7 pm.
The popular children’s show “Sisimpur” has launched an exciting new initiative for young learners. This time, the programme has introduced a special series featuring 40 of the most well-known and cherished Bangla nursery rhymes. The rhymes are performed by the show’s adored characters—Halum, Tuktuki, Ikri, and Shiku—making the experience both fun and engaging for kids.
The dynamic band Firoze Jong, known for its popularity among young audiences, is set to perform at the “Dhaka Vibes” concert.
Today marks the 125th birth anniversary of our national poet, Kazi Nazrul Islam. His stories and novels, which still inspire numerous films, have led to Bangladeshi productions being crafted around his ideas. Prominent Bangladeshi actresses, notably Rozina, Moushumi, and Purnima, have played significant roles in these adaptations. The occasion of the day thus calls for a recollection of their contributions to Nazrul-inspired cinema.
Veteran singer Runa Laila is set to sing a patriotic song titled “Bangladesh” featuring 100 children from the Bangladesh Shishu Academy, adding more significance to the special day.
Renowned American dance company Spectrum Dance Theater will culminate their month-long residency in Bangladesh in collaboration with renowned dance school Shadhona, with a live performance “Looking Forward to the Past” – an intercultural dance production, at Bangladesh Shishu Academy on May 28 at 7 pm.