Bangladeshi expatriates

4.66 lakh migrants returned home permanently in past 2 years

1.54 lakh or 33.03 percent of the returnee expatriates were from Chattogram division followed by 1.32 lakh or 28.48 percent from Dhaka

3 Bangladeshis arrested ‘for selling fake work permits’ in Malaysia

Three Bangladeshi men have been arrested in Shah Alam, the capital of Malaysian state Selangor, for allegedly issuing and selling fake work permits to their fellow countrymen since last October.

Bangladesh mission in Malaysia takes special initiative to issue passports

Bangladesh High Commission in Malaysia has taken an initiative to issue passports to Bangladeshi expatriates in Penang and Johor Bahru in the country under special arrangements.

Migrants’ eid this year: Hope back after Covid horror

After a severe dip in his earnings in the last two years of the pandemic, Hajrat Ali, a migrant worker in Malaysia, is very happy this time as he sent home an additional amount for his family’s Eid celebration.

Italy bars entry to passengers from Bangladesh till October 5

In a major setback for many Bangladeshi expatriates waiting to return to their workplaces in Italy, the European country has put restriction on entry of passengers from Bangladesh into its territory till October 5.

Expat workers will be repatriated, but advised to not return if they are not forced: Foreign minister

Bangladesh is going to repatriate at least 28,849 Bangladeshi migrants from Middle Eastern countries where they were either in the jail, deportation camps, or jobless, says Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen.

3 Bangladeshis killed in New York road crash

Three Bangladeshi expatriates are killed and another injured in a road accident at Northern State Parkway in Long Island of New York, US.

Editorial / Killings of Bangladeshis in US

Two Bangladeshi expatriates, an Imam and his assistant, were killed by an assailant outside a mosque in Queens in New York City on August 15.

Malaysia to announce foreign workers’ recruitment soon, says Deputy PM

The Malaysian government will announce a decision on the intake of foreign workers soon, says Deputy Prime Minister Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

August 5, 2015
August 5, 2015

Delay in issuing MRPs among expats worries JS body

A parliamentary body lambastes the authorities concerned for the delay in issuing machine readable passports among all Bangladeshi expatriates on time.

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