Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone’s song “Besharam Rang”, from the film “Pathaan”, stirred up controversy when Indians began calling for a boycott of the film. While some called the song ‘vulgar’ for Deepika’s bold avatar, others cited Deepika's 'gerua' coloured attire an insult, as the song itself is titled “Besharam Rang” (shameless colour).
Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone’s song “Besharam Rang”, from the film “Pathaan”, stirred up controversy when Indians began calling for a boycott of the film. While some called the song ‘vulgar’ for Deepika’s bold avatar, others cited Deepika's 'gerua' coloured attire an insult, as the song itself is titled “Besharam Rang” (shameless colour).