Chinese supercomputer

China unveils new domestically developed supercomputer

China has recently unveiled a domestically developed supercomputing system which is said to be more powerful than Tianhe-2, one of China's fastest supercomputers, as per the Chinese news agency Xinhua.

China builds world's most powerful computer

A Chinese supercomputer tops a list of the world's fastest computers for the seventh straight year — and for the first time the winner uses only Chinese-designed processors instead of US technology.

December 6, 2023
December 6, 2023

China unveils new domestically developed supercomputer

China has recently unveiled a domestically developed supercomputing system which is said to be more powerful than Tianhe-2, one of China's fastest supercomputers, as per the Chinese news agency Xinhua.

June 20, 2016
June 20, 2016

China builds world's most powerful computer

A Chinese supercomputer tops a list of the world's fastest computers for the seventh straight year — and for the first time the winner uses only Chinese-designed processors instead of US technology.