While full-scale ASP implementation will take several years, Bangladesh is well-positioned to embark on this transformative journey.
As the global focus shifts from merely mitigating climate change to adapting to its inevitable consequences, Bangladesh faces a survival challenge.
With the adoption of the resolution and ICJ involvement soon, the concept of climate justice will likely turn into a movement for equity.
Attribution Science can play a leading role in figuring out which countries the money should flow to
Despite demands from climate-change-affected countries, the issue of loss and damage has been contentious at the global forum.
While full-scale ASP implementation will take several years, Bangladesh is well-positioned to embark on this transformative journey.
As the global focus shifts from merely mitigating climate change to adapting to its inevitable consequences, Bangladesh faces a survival challenge.
With the adoption of the resolution and ICJ involvement soon, the concept of climate justice will likely turn into a movement for equity.
Attribution Science can play a leading role in figuring out which countries the money should flow to
Despite demands from climate-change-affected countries, the issue of loss and damage has been contentious at the global forum.