Tollywood star Allu Arjun has secured regular bail following the “Pushpa 2” stampede tragedy. The incident claimed a woman’s life, while her eight-year-old son has still been receiving treatment at KIMS Hospital. Meanwhile, the Ramgopalpet Police Station in Hyderabad has issued a new directive to the actor, advising him to maintain discretion regarding his visit to the injured child to prevent any disruption to public order.
For over a century, Bollywood has been the cornerstone of India’s visual media landscape, capturing the hearts of the country’s Hindi-speaking population. This dominance often leads to the assumption that Bollywood actors are the highest-paid in India. However, in recent years, the success of films like “Baahubali”, “RRR”, “Pushpa”, and “Arjun Reddy”, among others, have flipped the script.
Tragedy struck the entertainment industry as Suhani Bhatnagar, best known for her role as young Babita Phogat in the blockbuster film “Dangal” alongside Aamir Khan, passed away at the tender age of 19 on Friday. Shedding light on the heartbreaking incident, Suhani's father, Sumit Bhatnagar, disclosed to the media the underlying cause of her untimely demise.
Suhani Bhatnagar, best known for her portrayal of young Babita Phogat in the acclaimed film “Dangal”, has tragically passed away at the age of 19. Aamir Khan Productions, co-star Aamir Khan's own production company, has officially confirmed the news, expressing deep sorrow over the loss.
Predicting box office outcomes can be a challenging task, as a highly promoted movie can sometimes underperform, while a film with little to no publicity can turn out to be a commercial success. One such example is the record made by the 2017 film, “Secret Superstar”, directed by Advait Chandan.
Whether you're looking for the ideal movie to watch with your dad or arranging a family movie night, here is a list of movies that are sure to uplift, amuse, and strengthen the bond we share with our superheroes.
Tollywood star Allu Arjun has secured regular bail following the “Pushpa 2” stampede tragedy. The incident claimed a woman’s life, while her eight-year-old son has still been receiving treatment at KIMS Hospital. Meanwhile, the Ramgopalpet Police Station in Hyderabad has issued a new directive to the actor, advising him to maintain discretion regarding his visit to the injured child to prevent any disruption to public order.
For over a century, Bollywood has been the cornerstone of India’s visual media landscape, capturing the hearts of the country’s Hindi-speaking population. This dominance often leads to the assumption that Bollywood actors are the highest-paid in India. However, in recent years, the success of films like “Baahubali”, “RRR”, “Pushpa”, and “Arjun Reddy”, among others, have flipped the script.
Tragedy struck the entertainment industry as Suhani Bhatnagar, best known for her role as young Babita Phogat in the blockbuster film “Dangal” alongside Aamir Khan, passed away at the tender age of 19 on Friday. Shedding light on the heartbreaking incident, Suhani's father, Sumit Bhatnagar, disclosed to the media the underlying cause of her untimely demise.
Suhani Bhatnagar, best known for her portrayal of young Babita Phogat in the acclaimed film “Dangal”, has tragically passed away at the age of 19. Aamir Khan Productions, co-star Aamir Khan's own production company, has officially confirmed the news, expressing deep sorrow over the loss.
Predicting box office outcomes can be a challenging task, as a highly promoted movie can sometimes underperform, while a film with little to no publicity can turn out to be a commercial success. One such example is the record made by the 2017 film, “Secret Superstar”, directed by Advait Chandan.
Whether you're looking for the ideal movie to watch with your dad or arranging a family movie night, here is a list of movies that are sure to uplift, amuse, and strengthen the bond we share with our superheroes.