The long-anticipated continuation of the beloved story of “Moana” (2016) is finally over. The sequel, “Moana 2,” made its grand debut on November 27 in theatres across the United States. However, the highly anticipated film debuts today across Star Cineplex locations in Bangladesh, as confirmed by a press release from the renowned multiplex chain.
Disney is stepping up its AI efforts with the creation of the 'Office of Technology Enablement', a new business unit to drive tech integration across its film, TV, and theme park divisions, according to a Reuters report.
Reliance, Disney and CCI did not immediately respond to requests for comment. All sources declined to be named as the CCI process is confidential.
Recently, at D23, Disney's biennial fan event in California, major film announcements were made, including the reveal of the title for the third "Avatar" film, a new chapter in the "Star Wars" series, and the announcement of a sequel to "Freaky Friday".
The sequel will revisit the world of high fashion and the formidable editor-in-chief of Runway magazine, portrayed by Meryl Streep. The original film, which also starred Anne Hathaway as Andrea Sachs and Emily Blunt as Emily Charlton, was a resounding success, grossing USD 326.7 million worldwide.
The debut of "The Bear" Season 3 garnered an impressive 5.4 million views within its initial four days on its streaming platform. According to Disney, this achievement sets a new record for FX premieres on Hulu claiming the top spot for any scripted series launched on the service.
Whispers of a new Disney movie featuring the iconic mother-daughter duo, Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan, have finally come to fruition. This OG duo, which presented audiences with the 2003 blockbuster comedy “Freaky Friday”, was spotted back on set as Disney revealed the first sneak peek of “Freaky Friday 2.”
Following its recognition at the Kidscreen and Anthem awards, the children’s show “Sisimpur” has now also claimed the International Telly Awards. “Sisimpur” earned the 45th Telly Awards by introducing the new character Julia and incorporating sign language in its latest episodes, contributing to positive change in society.
Even without a full-blown sympathetic backstory, a villain’s motivations can be complex.
The long-anticipated continuation of the beloved story of “Moana” (2016) is finally over. The sequel, “Moana 2,” made its grand debut on November 27 in theatres across the United States. However, the highly anticipated film debuts today across Star Cineplex locations in Bangladesh, as confirmed by a press release from the renowned multiplex chain.
Disney is stepping up its AI efforts with the creation of the 'Office of Technology Enablement', a new business unit to drive tech integration across its film, TV, and theme park divisions, according to a Reuters report.
Reliance, Disney and CCI did not immediately respond to requests for comment. All sources declined to be named as the CCI process is confidential.
Recently, at D23, Disney's biennial fan event in California, major film announcements were made, including the reveal of the title for the third "Avatar" film, a new chapter in the "Star Wars" series, and the announcement of a sequel to "Freaky Friday".
The sequel will revisit the world of high fashion and the formidable editor-in-chief of Runway magazine, portrayed by Meryl Streep. The original film, which also starred Anne Hathaway as Andrea Sachs and Emily Blunt as Emily Charlton, was a resounding success, grossing USD 326.7 million worldwide.
The debut of "The Bear" Season 3 garnered an impressive 5.4 million views within its initial four days on its streaming platform. According to Disney, this achievement sets a new record for FX premieres on Hulu claiming the top spot for any scripted series launched on the service.
Whispers of a new Disney movie featuring the iconic mother-daughter duo, Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan, have finally come to fruition. This OG duo, which presented audiences with the 2003 blockbuster comedy “Freaky Friday”, was spotted back on set as Disney revealed the first sneak peek of “Freaky Friday 2.”
Following its recognition at the Kidscreen and Anthem awards, the children’s show “Sisimpur” has now also claimed the International Telly Awards. “Sisimpur” earned the 45th Telly Awards by introducing the new character Julia and incorporating sign language in its latest episodes, contributing to positive change in society.
Even without a full-blown sympathetic backstory, a villain’s motivations can be complex.
Disney has officially given the green light for the sequel to its beloved 2003 family comedy, "Freaky Friday." Directed by Nisha Ganatra, known for her work on Hulu's "Welcome to Chippendales," the sequel is set to commence filming this summer in Los Angeles.