Anjana Sultana, a prominent actress and dancer with a career spanning over 300 films, is currently under intensive care. She has been placed on ventilation support as part of her treatment. For the past two days, she has been admitted to PG Hospital after her condition deteriorated. Earlier, she had been receiving medical care at another hospital in the capital. However, the severity of her health required an urgent transfer.
Veteran actress Anjana Rahman has been undergoing treatment for the past six days due to a fever and blood infection. She has been hospitalised and is being treated at the Coronary Care Unit (CCU), confirmed the actress's son, Nishat Moni, to Samakal.
Anjana Sultana, a prominent actress and dancer with a career spanning over 300 films, is currently under intensive care. She has been placed on ventilation support as part of her treatment. For the past two days, she has been admitted to PG Hospital after her condition deteriorated. Earlier, she had been receiving medical care at another hospital in the capital. However, the severity of her health required an urgent transfer.
Veteran actress Anjana Rahman has been undergoing treatment for the past six days due to a fever and blood infection. She has been hospitalised and is being treated at the Coronary Care Unit (CCU), confirmed the actress's son, Nishat Moni, to Samakal.