Family Planning in Bangladesh

Why has family planning stagnated in Bangladesh?

Health authorities must give due priority to this essential public health service.

Is family planning solely women’s responsibility?

Karima Begum found herself in a challenging situation when her husband returned home.

Family Planning in Bangladesh / Despite progress, there are miles to go

The public sector now provides only 37 percent of modern contraception, down from 44 percent in 2011.

Contraception use in Bangladesh: From revolution to stagnation

Bangladesh has had one of the strongest and most successful national family planning initiatives in the world.

Modern day Family Planning

As we are living in the modern and 'evolved' era, all aspects of life and people's lifestyles have taken a turn, a leap. Old perceptions are going as people embrace new and unprecedented techniques, methods and inventions.

Family Planning in Bangladesh / Progress stagnant for last 4 years

Bangladesh needs to focus on promoting long-term and permanent contraceptive methods to control further growth of population, experts say at an international conference in Bali.

February 17, 2024
February 17, 2024

Why has family planning stagnated in Bangladesh?

Health authorities must give due priority to this essential public health service.

February 15, 2024
February 15, 2024

Is family planning solely women’s responsibility?

Karima Begum found herself in a challenging situation when her husband returned home.

August 13, 2023
August 13, 2023

Despite progress, there are miles to go

The public sector now provides only 37 percent of modern contraception, down from 44 percent in 2011.

March 15, 2023
March 15, 2023

Contraception use in Bangladesh: From revolution to stagnation

Bangladesh has had one of the strongest and most successful national family planning initiatives in the world.

September 11, 2018
September 11, 2018

Modern day Family Planning

As we are living in the modern and 'evolved' era, all aspects of life and people's lifestyles have taken a turn, a leap. Old perceptions are going as people embrace new and unprecedented techniques, methods and inventions.

January 27, 2016
January 27, 2016

Progress stagnant for last 4 years

Bangladesh needs to focus on promoting long-term and permanent contraceptive methods to control further growth of population, experts say at an international conference in Bali.