Directed by Debraj Sinha, "Felubakshi" is a gripping thriller where Pori Moni plays the character Labonno. Starring alongside her are renowned Kolkata actors Soham Chakraborty, Madhumita Sarcar, and others.
Pori Moni who announced venturing into Tollywood in early March, after a decade in Dhallywood, is set to debut with a mystery-thriller film titled "Felubakshi". Despite bearing the name of the renowned detective character Feluda, the story diverges from that series, offering a fresh narrative style. The film is produced by Devraj Sinha.
Pori Moni is poised to make her Tollywood debut with her new film alongside Soham Chakraborty, set in West Bengal. Departing from Dhaka, she has arrived in Kolkata to commence shooting for the much-anticipated project titled "Felubakshi."
Directed by Debraj Sinha, "Felubakshi" is a gripping thriller where Pori Moni plays the character Labonno. Starring alongside her are renowned Kolkata actors Soham Chakraborty, Madhumita Sarcar, and others.
Pori Moni who announced venturing into Tollywood in early March, after a decade in Dhallywood, is set to debut with a mystery-thriller film titled "Felubakshi". Despite bearing the name of the renowned detective character Feluda, the story diverges from that series, offering a fresh narrative style. The film is produced by Devraj Sinha.
Pori Moni is poised to make her Tollywood debut with her new film alongside Soham Chakraborty, set in West Bengal. Departing from Dhaka, she has arrived in Kolkata to commence shooting for the much-anticipated project titled "Felubakshi."