At least 71 people were killed in a tragic fire at Wahed Mansion in Chawkbazar’s Churihatta area in Old Dhaka on February 20, 2019.
Just like on Bailey Road, a prominent feature of Banani road-11, Kamal Ataturk Avenue, Satmasjid Road, Khilagon Taltola and Mirpur-11 traffic circle are tall buildings that house restaurants, cafes and commercial kitchens on every floor.
A Dhaka court yesterday granted police two days to interrogate on remand four people arrested over Thursday night’s deadly fire at the Green Cozy Cottage shopping mall on Bailey Road in Dhaka that claimed 46 lives.
Fire hazards remain one of the most underemphasised and silent menaces of modern living. And while recent tragedies have left us all reeling in shock and disbelief, many remain unaware of the appropriate measures that need to be taken to prevent fire breakouts in the home, or the protocols to follow if such a fire does break out. It is high time we take the following vital steps to minimise fire hazards in our homes.
Police are yet to file a case in connection with Thursday's fire at a seven-storey building on Bailey Road that left 46 people dead so far
Two victims of the fire at a building on the capital's Bailey Road were laid to rest yesterday
Three more bodies of victims of Thursday night's deadly fire at a building on Bailey Road were identified by a family member last night
Only 18 days separated Syed Mobarak Hossain from his dream of taking his family to Italy, where he worked. After years of struggle as a Bangladeshi expatriate, everything was finally falling into place:
Classes, labwork, exams -- Lamisha Islam was supposed to be worrying about these today while living a life full of potential amongst her friends and family.
After deadly fires like the one on Thursday that claimed 46 lives, authorities momentarily wake up from their slumber to prevent recurrences, but any such initiative loses steam as they fail to take concerted action.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday bemoaned that there was no fire exit in the multi-storey building that caught fire on Bailey Road leaving dozens dead.
“Where’s the emergency exit? where’s the emergency exit?” people were shouting all around.
“Fire! Fire!”
A phone call, followed by an everlasting silence.
Whenever there is a devastating blaze threatening the lives of people, the ones everyone looks to for saving the day are the fire service and civil defence personnel.
Classes, labwork, exams -- Lamisha Islam was supposed to be worrying about these today while living a life full of potential amongst her friends and family.
Only 18 days separated Syed Mobarak Hossain from his dream of taking his family to Italy, where he worked. After years of struggle as a Bangladeshi expatriate, everything was finally falling into place:
Witnesses, shop owners, and others present a the scene share their ordeal with The Daily Star
Mayor of Dhaka South City Corporation Sheikh Fazle Noor Tapas visited the scene of the fire at Bailey Road in Dhaka.