
How to get into Bangla folk music

The world of Bangla folk music is a vibrant and colourful tapestry of melodies, rhythms, and lyrics.

BOOK REVIEW: NONFICTION / Songs of our soil: In praise of Mymensingh’s Bangla folk ballads

Folk-ballads are living archives that represent the imagination, values, ideas, and aesthetics of the people to whom they belong. Folk-ballads are living archives that represent the imagination, values, ideas, and aesthetics of the people to whom they belong.

Ranjana Biswas, researcher on Bede community, wins Anannya literary award 2022

Ranjana Biswas, an essayist and researcher, received the award at a ceremony held on March 22 at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka. 

Love, rage, silence: Secret lives of Afghan female poets

With her kohl-rimmed eyes cast down, Nadia lilts through a folk couplet before a secret assembly of women poets on a forbidden subject that often gets people killed in Afghanistan -- love.

April 16, 2023
April 16, 2023

How to get into Bangla folk music

The world of Bangla folk music is a vibrant and colourful tapestry of melodies, rhythms, and lyrics.

April 14, 2022
April 14, 2022

Songs of our soil: In praise of Mymensingh’s Bangla folk ballads

Folk-ballads are living archives that represent the imagination, values, ideas, and aesthetics of the people to whom they belong. Folk-ballads are living archives that represent the imagination, values, ideas, and aesthetics of the people to whom they belong.

March 29, 2022
March 29, 2022

Ranjana Biswas, researcher on Bede community, wins Anannya literary award 2022

Ranjana Biswas, an essayist and researcher, received the award at a ceremony held on March 22 at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka. 

February 17, 2016
February 17, 2016

Love, rage, silence: Secret lives of Afghan female poets

With her kohl-rimmed eyes cast down, Nadia lilts through a folk couplet before a secret assembly of women poets on a forbidden subject that often gets people killed in Afghanistan -- love.

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