
Embracing change: Moving on from one phase of life to the next

Life is like one long rollercoaster ride, comprising of ups and downs and twists and turns. Life is simply just a series of phases; some happy, some frustrating, some upsetting. One second life can be full of joy and excitement, and the next can feel like walking on a tightrope with no harness. But what really happens after a phase has passed you by?

Conquering that stack: 5 ways to finish a book in a week

Let's face it. Our to-be-read piles have started to look like a leaning tower of literary Pisa now. If you are a bookworm, you will relate to this one much too well.

Safety first! Swimming pool safety tips everyone should know

Just before you hop into the pool, have you checked if everything is safe or not? To most people, swimming pool safety precautions are an annoyance and a hassle to deal with; just get to the fun instead, right? But even things as jovial as a refreshing pool party can turn fatal if you are not careful.

Transforming digital friendships into real ones

Amidst the sea of likes, comments and fleeting interaction, there lies the possibility of finding people who have the potential to be crucial parts of your life.

Keep the flame alive: Creative ways to spark up your relationship!

The spark that once fuelled your love may appear less intense than before as you juggle household responsibilities and professional obligations. You may, however, rekindle the romance in your relationship and rediscover its magic with a dash of effort and a bit of creativity.

5 habits to avoid for better oral health

With our lives being so busy all the time, it’s easy to overlook the little things that can make a big difference in maintaining a dazzling smile. So, before you brush off your oral care routine as ‘good enough,’ let’s dive into the top five no-no’s that might be doing a number on your teeth.

Excelling at work during Ramadan: 9 Simple steps that can help

This guide delves into practical tips and proven techniques to maintain productivity at work while maintaining the spirituality of the blessed month of Ramadan.

Pro tips for better dishwashing during Ramadan

After a day of fasting, fatigue often sets in, and the task of washing dishes can feel burdensome, particularly following a satisfying iftar. The dishwashing exercise can easily spiral out of control during iftar parties as you cater for a large number of guests.

How to stop stressing over small things

Do you find yourself getting stressed over the smallest of things lately? Getting triggered by something as simple as your phone not connecting to its charger properly or being overwhelmed when your YouTube video begins to lag? It is okay, we have all been there. In our fast-paced lives, it is not too uncommon to get consumed by the smallest of inconveniences and let them drain us.

June 24, 2023
June 24, 2023

7 ways to balance your budget and eating out

If you are trying to save money, you have probably heard that carrying your lunch and cooking supper is the way to go. However, you should not give up the occasional treat of fine dining. Here are some ways to save costs while still enjoying meals at your favourite restaurants.

June 21, 2023
June 21, 2023

Strategies and trends for online retail success

In this fast-paced digital world, with everything moving to online platforms, it only makes sense that shopping does too. After all, why spend the whole day going out when you can just shop from the comfort of your home? Today, e-commerce has become an integral part of the global retail landscape, with billions of dollars in transactions occurring online each year.

June 14, 2023
June 14, 2023

10 ways to reduce your electricity bills

Utility bills are on the rise. One must be cautious about the consumption of electricity in order to keep a check on the monthly bill. An increased use of electrical appliances, because of the warm and humid weather can translate to hefty bills, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Listed below are 10 tips and tricks that can help reduce your electricity bill.

June 14, 2023
June 14, 2023

How to use ChatGPT

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, ChatGPT has emerged as a ground-breaking innovation, revolutionising the way we interact with artificial intelligence. In this article, we will share the best tips for making the most of ChatGPT, allowing you to unlock its full potential and truly change your life!

May 24, 2023
May 24, 2023

How to travel with a group on a budget

Are you planning a trip with your friends without looking to break the bank? Well, you’re in luck because travelling with a bunch of people on a budget is totally possible! Here are some money saving hacks so you can finally make that trip all your friends have been planning for. You’ll be able to make the most of your trip and the best part, you don't have to worry about running out of money either.

May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023

6 tips to help reduce your caffeine intake

We all occasionally enjoy a soothing cup of tea or a warming mug of coffee during the day to keep ourselves energised and refreshed. It is the caffeine in these beverages that keeps us awake and focused. However, it’s easy to become over-dependent on caffeine and lose track of your daily intake.

May 10, 2023
May 10, 2023

Top 10 email etiquettes to consider for professional use

Email is one of the most widely used mediums of communication, and certain email etiquettes should be maintained, especially for professional instances. From sending an email to your superior at work, your colleague or putting forward a convincing sales pitch, email is the way to go. So, here are 10 email etiquettes to consider when writing or replying to an email.

May 10, 2023
May 10, 2023

How to offer criticism without being rude

Criticism is part and parcel of life. It is quintessential in improving our choices and actions. It can help us reach heights that we might not have achieved otherwise. However, no one likes being on the receiving end of criticism, as it can be a hard pill to swallow.

April 20, 2023
April 20, 2023

Common travel mistakes while making hotel bookings

Making hotel reservations have become easier and yet, people still tend to make mistakes. To avoid this, we spoke to a popular hotel chain employee, who shared her experience about common travel slip-ups they have seen people make again and again, and how avoiding these can expedite standard procedures for them and make it easier for hotels to serve them.

April 20, 2023
April 20, 2023

5 self-help books to buy from Nilkhet

For many of us, Nilkhet is a synonym for nostalgia. When we walk through the narrow maze of the book bazaar, where the smell of freshly printed pages fills up the air, we cannot help but admire this vibrant hub of literature. Nilkhet, a haven for book lovers, has every book one might look for. And if you are on a journey of self-growth, then this place will not disappoint you.

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