The popular children’s show “Sisimpur” has launched an exciting new initiative for young learners. This time, the programme has introduced a special series featuring 40 of the most well-known and cherished Bangla nursery rhymes. The rhymes are performed by the show’s adored characters—Halum, Tuktuki, Ikri, and Shiku—making the experience both fun and engaging for kids.
Beloved "Sisimpur" character Halum will star alongside Nusrat Imrose Tisha in an educational YouTube video.
The popular children’s show “Sisimpur” has launched an exciting new initiative for young learners. This time, the programme has introduced a special series featuring 40 of the most well-known and cherished Bangla nursery rhymes. The rhymes are performed by the show’s adored characters—Halum, Tuktuki, Ikri, and Shiku—making the experience both fun and engaging for kids.
Beloved "Sisimpur" character Halum will star alongside Nusrat Imrose Tisha in an educational YouTube video.