"Hok Kolorob" and his other renowned lyrics in musical genius Shayan Chowdhury Arnob's songs, such as, "Naam Chilo Na", "Prokrito Jol", "Ghum", "Dhushor Megh", "Rod Boleche Hobe", "Protiddhoni", and "Mon Kharaper Ekta Bikel", offer merely a glimpse of the actual man Rajib was, said Abdullah Juberee, a journalist and an admirer of the poet.
"Hok Kolorob" and his other renowned lyrics in musical genius Shayan Chowdhury Arnob's songs, such as, "Naam Chilo Na", "Prokrito Jol", "Ghum", "Dhushor Megh", "Rod Boleche Hobe", "Protiddhoni", and "Mon Kharaper Ekta Bikel", offer merely a glimpse of the actual man Rajib was, said Abdullah Juberee, a journalist and an admirer of the poet.