International Criminal Court (ICC)

Attacks on Yemen could open Middle East’s pandora’s box

The US and UK strikes in Yemen have only aggravated the possibility of large-scale conflict in the already volatile Middle East.

Has the ICC lost traction on Rohingya genocide case?

The resolution of the Rohingya crisis appears to have met a dead end. Quite predictably, yet another round of questionable repatriation efforts has stalled.

Rohingya repatriation / Prioritise the Rohingya’s safety and well-being

The Rohingya crisis continues to leave a tragic trail of immense suffering and injustice.

Is the opportunity for Rohingya repatriation slipping away?

Bangladesh must have meaningful dialogue with all actors involved for repatriation of Rohingya refugees.

ICC fears of ‘state policy’ to attack Rohingyas: Prosecutor

International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda has said the ICC judges feared that Myanmar may have ‘state policy’ to attack its minority Rohingya population in Rakhine.

Investigation to uncover the truth: International Criminal Court Prosecutor

International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda has welcomed the decision to authorise an investigation into crimes committed against Rohingyas in Myanmar saying her investigation will seek to uncover the truth.

ICC forms pre-trial chamber on atrocities against Rohingyas

In a step forward, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has constituted a pre-trial chamber and assigned it to the situation in Bangladesh and Myanmar in regard to the alleged crimes against the Rohingyas.

Rohingya Atrocities: Malaysia wants perpetrators punished

Malaysia wants the perpetrators of atrocities against the Rohingyas be tried immediately at the International Criminal Court (ICC).

US issues threat to war crimes court

The Trump administration threatens tough action against the International Criminal Court should it try to prosecute Americans for alleged war crimes in Afghanistan and said the PLO's office in Washington would be closed for seeking to punish Israel through the court.

May 9, 2018
May 9, 2018

‘Bangladesh, involve ICC into Rohingya crisis’

Bangladesh government should encourage the International Criminal Court (ICC) to exercise jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute the crime of deporting Rohingyas, says a Southeast Asia-based rights organisation, Fortify Rights.

April 28, 2018
April 28, 2018

Rights group calls for UN Rohingya resolution ahead of Myanmar visit

Human Rights Watch calls on for Myanmar's Rohingya crisis to be referred to the International Criminal Court, days before a UN Security Council delegation is due to arrive in the country.

April 10, 2018
April 10, 2018

Int'l war crimes prosecutor seeks jurisdiction over Rohingya deportations

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has asked it to rule on whether it has jurisdiction over the deportations of Rohingya people "from Myanmar to Bangladesh", a possible crime against humanity, according to a filing.

March 9, 2018
March 9, 2018

UN wants allegations of crimes against Rohingyas referred to International Criminal Court

The top United Nations human rights official call for allegations of atrocities committed against the Muslim Rohingya minority in Myanmar to be referred to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for prosecution.

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