Internet blackout

Beyond 'digital' and 'smart': Defining Bangladesh's ICT brand

Countries that prioritise Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have each chosen distinct positions for themselves.

How to fix the legacy of internet shutdowns in Bangladesh

Given that fundamental rights are the default and restrictions are exceptions, internet shutdowns are, by nature, unlawful.

Internet must be declared a basic human right

Going against the tide, Bangladesh kept internet services suspended for quite some days, which has dealt a heavy blow to public life, industries and service sectors

Ledger of losses

Bangladesh has entered a new chapter in its journey as the wheels of the economy are rolling again, with the country still healing from fresh wounds.

Rebooting the economy

The crackdown on the nonviolent uprise of the students and the subsequent one thing leading to another chain of events locked down the economy, only figuratively reminiscent of the pandemic in 2020

Are we failing our own future?

Why did a student movement that started with a demand to reform a discriminatory and unconstitutional system get so violent?

VPN use surges in Bangladesh amid violent protests

In the wake of escalating violent protests in Bangladesh, a massive surge in Virtual Private Network (VPN) usage has been witnessed as citizens strived to circumvent government-imposed internet restrictions

The prolonged internet shutdown sets a dangerous precedent

It represents a grave threat to democracy and human rights that demands urgent attention.

Mobile internet restored in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is once again connected to 4G internet, 10 days after mobile internet connectivity was restricted across the country

July 24, 2024
July 24, 2024

OTT platforms reel from daily losses

Over the Top (OTT) platforms are one of the major digital mediums of entertainment. The country has been suffering from a complete internet outage, resulting in huge financial losses for industry leaders.

July 24, 2024
July 24, 2024

Influencers left without influence after internet outage

If your livelihood was based on the internet, specifically social media, what would you do if there was an outage that lasted almost a week? We caught up to some popular Bangladeshi influencers to see what they were up to during these unstable times.

July 24, 2024
July 24, 2024

Waive demurrage charges at ports: FBCCI

It also demanded no new charges to be imposed when shipment begins

July 24, 2024
July 24, 2024

Whom do information blackouts during protests ultimately benefit?

Internet shutdown is one of the major aspects of control that the Awami League government has exercised to curb the protests.

July 24, 2024
July 24, 2024

People will get broadband internet tonight: Palak

40 percent restored so far, says president of Internet Service Providers Association

July 24, 2024
July 24, 2024

Factories, banks reopen as govt relaxes curfew

Garment factories, banks and stock exchanges reopened as the government relaxed a curfew imposed to quell violent protests that left at least 150 people dead since last Tuesday

July 24, 2024
July 24, 2024

Broadband internet restored in selected areas

Broadband internet connections were restored on a limited scale yesterday after 5 days of complete countrywide blackout amid the violence over quota protest

July 23, 2024
July 23, 2024

Stories you missed during the internet outage

On Thursday night, the entire country was plunged into digital darkness as broadband internet across the country became unavailable, less than 24 hours after mobile data was shut off amid worsening violence centring the quota protests across the country..The latest news on the situation is

July 22, 2024
July 22, 2024

Nation under curfew

The impact of all these on the poor and low-income groups will be devastating.

July 20, 2024
July 20, 2024

The violence must end

What can possibly justify any response by the law enforcement that has led to this death toll?

push notification