Titled “Rickshaw Artistry: A World Heritage”, the exhibition highlights vibrant, hand-painted posters of superhit films, including the legendary action movie “Shodor Ghater Kuli”, which starred renowned Dhallywood actor Rubel and was directed by Raqibul Alam Raqib.
Entering the photo exhibition’s gallery, white curtains gently swayed, displaying cyanotype prints of the portraits of Birangonas (Bangladeshi female freedom fighters), much like how their valiant stories have been hidden behind the curtains for far too long.
Titled “Rickshaw Artistry: A World Heritage”, the exhibition highlights vibrant, hand-painted posters of superhit films, including the legendary action movie “Shodor Ghater Kuli”, which starred renowned Dhallywood actor Rubel and was directed by Raqibul Alam Raqib.
Entering the photo exhibition’s gallery, white curtains gently swayed, displaying cyanotype prints of the portraits of Birangonas (Bangladeshi female freedom fighters), much like how their valiant stories have been hidden behind the curtains for far too long.