Legendary actor Alamgir

Alamgir to share untold stories tonight in ‘Alamgir Ekjoni’

Celebrating his golden career, Channel i has arranged the show to be aired at 7: 50pm tonight, initiated and hosted by journalist and anchor Abdur Rahman. The revered actor will hence share the experiences behind his illustrious career and his journey of 52 years in the Bangladeshi film industry. 

June 28, 2024
June 28, 2024

Alamgir to share untold stories tonight in ‘Alamgir Ekjoni’

Celebrating his golden career, Channel i has arranged the show to be aired at 7: 50pm tonight, initiated and hosted by journalist and anchor Abdur Rahman. The revered actor will hence share the experiences behind his illustrious career and his journey of 52 years in the Bangladeshi film industry. 

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