A city is a web of facilities and opportunities in which different agencies and communities lay stakes, push boundaries, and make bullish claims of making things better.
Housing developers' interests are getting in the way of making Dhaka a liveable city
The crises we face are terrifying. And yet I can still imagine an infinitely better life that would solve many of our problems.
The journey of a nation must be a holistic one. We must all collectively remember that promises need to be balanced with pragmatic route maps; plans need to be properly conveyed; regrets need to be coupled with hope.
One of the primary tasks of the new mayors of Dhaka should be to turn Dhaka into a people-friendly, liveable city.
A city is a web of facilities and opportunities in which different agencies and communities lay stakes, push boundaries, and make bullish claims of making things better.
Housing developers' interests are getting in the way of making Dhaka a liveable city
The crises we face are terrifying. And yet I can still imagine an infinitely better life that would solve many of our problems.
The journey of a nation must be a holistic one. We must all collectively remember that promises need to be balanced with pragmatic route maps; plans need to be properly conveyed; regrets need to be coupled with hope.
One of the primary tasks of the new mayors of Dhaka should be to turn Dhaka into a people-friendly, liveable city.