Married man’s dilemma

#Perspective / Married man’s dilemma: Why buddies and backpacks take a back seat post-wedding

Post-marriage men often find themselves carrying a different kind of backpack — filled not with snacks and maps, but with responsibilities, familial expectations, and a never-ending list of to-dos. Gone are the days of impromptu trips to Cox’s Bazar. Now, it's more about family planning, budgeting for groceries, or attending in-laws' get-togethers.

November 20, 2023
November 20, 2023

Married man’s dilemma: Why buddies and backpacks take a back seat post-wedding

Post-marriage men often find themselves carrying a different kind of backpack — filled not with snacks and maps, but with responsibilities, familial expectations, and a never-ending list of to-dos. Gone are the days of impromptu trips to Cox’s Bazar. Now, it's more about family planning, budgeting for groceries, or attending in-laws' get-togethers.

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