In an interview with The Daily Star’s Samsul Arefin Khan, opening batter Mohammad Naim discussed his frustrations over missed opportunities and approach to overcoming setbacks, among other issues.
You cannot easily concentrate on long conversations, and cannot remember roads, people's names, or other detailed information. People misunderstand you for being irresponsible and inattentive but in reality, no matter how much you try, it’s very difficult for you to focus on anything! You might be one of 2 to 37.45 per cent of the Bangladeshi youth who experience symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
If you find yourself overwhelmed almost daily, you’re not alone. But even in the midst of this mental fog, there is a path forward. Here are 5 ways to boost your mental well-being at work and build resilience!
Kaan Pete Roi is open every day from 3PM to 3AM. The calls are not recorded and confidentiality is strictly maintained. This is a safe space without judgement and the volunteers are here because they care and want to make a change.
It's 2024 and we all know the importance of a healthy diet for physical health. But what about its impact on our mental well-being? Just like the rest of our body, the brain thrives on nourishment and the quality of that nourishment significantly influences our mood, cognitive function, and even our resilience to stress.
Young adults often feel discouraged from getting the help we require due to fear of judgement or embarrassment in front of families and friends.
The concept of depression was foreign to me, and my limited knowledge of it came from the hushed conversations of elders
In Dhaka, you will be hard-pressed to find a therapist charging a fee-per-hour of less than Tk 1,500.
The choice of title, "Semicolon", carries profound symbolism. A semicolon represents the continuation of someone's life despite facing adversity—it symbolises strength in the midst of a storm. In the context of mental health, it serves as an affirmation of solidarity against a myriad of challenges.
In an interview with The Daily Star’s Samsul Arefin Khan, opening batter Mohammad Naim discussed his frustrations over missed opportunities and approach to overcoming setbacks, among other issues.
You cannot easily concentrate on long conversations, and cannot remember roads, people's names, or other detailed information. People misunderstand you for being irresponsible and inattentive but in reality, no matter how much you try, it’s very difficult for you to focus on anything! You might be one of 2 to 37.45 per cent of the Bangladeshi youth who experience symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
If you find yourself overwhelmed almost daily, you’re not alone. But even in the midst of this mental fog, there is a path forward. Here are 5 ways to boost your mental well-being at work and build resilience!
Kaan Pete Roi is open every day from 3PM to 3AM. The calls are not recorded and confidentiality is strictly maintained. This is a safe space without judgement and the volunteers are here because they care and want to make a change.
It's 2024 and we all know the importance of a healthy diet for physical health. But what about its impact on our mental well-being? Just like the rest of our body, the brain thrives on nourishment and the quality of that nourishment significantly influences our mood, cognitive function, and even our resilience to stress.
Young adults often feel discouraged from getting the help we require due to fear of judgement or embarrassment in front of families and friends.
The concept of depression was foreign to me, and my limited knowledge of it came from the hushed conversations of elders
In Dhaka, you will be hard-pressed to find a therapist charging a fee-per-hour of less than Tk 1,500.
The choice of title, "Semicolon", carries profound symbolism. A semicolon represents the continuation of someone's life despite facing adversity—it symbolises strength in the midst of a storm. In the context of mental health, it serves as an affirmation of solidarity against a myriad of challenges.
The great news is that through the daily practice of breathing, mindfulness, and other forms of intentional self-care, can actually help individuals overcome stress and improve their livelihood.