nuclear deal

Iran slams 'psychological warfare' as US to reimpose sanctions

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani says that Washington's call for new nuclear negotiations at the same time as it reimposes crippling sanctions "doesn't make sense" and is an attempt at "psychological warfare".

Iran election: Reformists win all 30 Tehran seats

Allies of Iran's reformist president, Hassan Rouhani, win a landslide victory in Tehran, in the first elections since Iran signed a nuclear deal with world powers.

West prepares to end sanctions as Iran deal adopted

The United States and Europe begin preparing to lift the trade sanctions that have hobbled the Iranian economy as a historic nuclear deal came into effect.

Iran parliament approves nuclear deal with world powers

Iran's parliament approves a historic nuclear deal with world powers on Tuesday, effectively ending debate among lawmakers over the agreement and paving the way for its formal implementation.

After Iran deal, Obama struggles to gain Israel's trust

Seeking to sell his nuclear deal with Iran to a skeptical Israeli public, President Barack Obama has repeatedly declared his deep affection for the Jewish state. But the feelings do not appear to be mutual.

Obama reassures Saudis on Iran deal

Saudi Arabia says it is happy with President Obama's assurances that the recent nuclear deal with Iran will not imperil the Gulf states.

TURKEY, ISIS AND KURDISTAN / Erdogan's war and US myopia

The Obama Administration, which defied the hawkish opposition at home and abroad and signed the historic Nuclear Deal with Iran, seems to have condoned President Erdogan's military operation in Iraq.

Iran nuclear deal: '99% of world agrees' says Obama

Critics of the nuclear agreement with Iran are at odds with "99% of the world and the majority of nuclear experts", US President Barack Obama has said.

Iran nuclear agreement ‘reached’

A deal on limiting Iran's nuclear programme in return for the lifting of sanctions has been reached at talks in Vienna, diplomats say.

April 12, 2015
April 12, 2015

Iran's nuclear deal

AFTER 18 months of gruelling negotiations, Iran and the P-5+1 (United States, France, Britain, China, Russia—and Germany) reached a

April 4, 2015
April 4, 2015

A momentous deal struck with Iran

AFTER years of protracted, often chequered, negotiations with Iran on nuclear regimen, a framework agreement has been inked between Tehran and US, UK, France, China and Russia plus Germany, known as P5+1.

March 28, 2015
March 28, 2015

Iran, powers close in on nuclear deal: officials

Iran and major powers are close to agreement on a 2- or 3-page accord with specific numbers that would form the basis of a long-term settlement aimed at ending a 12-year standoff over Tehran's nuclear ambitions, officials said

March 21, 2015
March 21, 2015

Iran nuclear talks: Deal can be reached says Rouhani

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani says progress made in nuclear talks means a final deal could be reached
