
Nutrition budget underutilised

Bangladesh does not have a dedicated nutrition budget. On top of that, ministries don’t utilise the full funds allocated to them for nutrition related activities, said speakers at an event yesterday.

The ideal workout schedule during Ramadan by fitness coach Nazia Hassan

Ramadan may present a unique set of challenges for those trying to maintain or start a fitness routine. With fasting from dawn until sunset, the absence of food and water intake during daylight hours can make it difficult to decide the best time to exercise. Nazia Hassan, a celebrated fitness coach and nutrition expert, offers her invaluable insights into navigating these challenges — ensuring that our spiritual journey and fitness goals align harmoniously.

A plate for education and a stepping stone for development

School feeding programmes act as a powerful incentive for families to enrol their children in school and keep them there, directly influencing educational outcomes and gender equality.

Why couldn’t we eliminate child stunting?

Government needs an urgent child nutrition policy and budget to address stunting in 28 percent of children under five.

Finding nutritional food on campus remains a challenge

Too often, people prioritise their hunger over their health and wellbeing. 

A way to finance childhood growth

Too poor to affect grain prices in global markets, the chronically hungry are economically invisible.

Is Bangladesh ready to face a global food crisis?

We now face the real risk of massive hunger and famine.

Where functionality and health coincide

It is no secret that an average urbanite struggles to maintain a healthy balance in their food intake. Deadlines, late dinners, and the pressure of being punctual and performing at an optimum level have always been at the top of our priorities. Such a lifestyle eventually leads to health-related issues in the long run. However, it can be minimised if we become conscious of what food we intake on a daily basis.

How to read a nutrition label (without being tricked)

Try spending a few minutes reading the underappreciated label at the back.

March 30, 2019
March 30, 2019

The health challenges for the urban poor

Bangladesh is being urbanised at a rapid pace, fuelled by rural poverty, climate change and the promise of a better economic future.

May 16, 2016
May 16, 2016

Healthier mothers for a brighter future

Providing all pregnant Bangladeshi women with iron and folic acid would decrease the risk of anaemia in mothers by 69 percent and reduce low-weight births by nearly 3 percent. The majority of the benefits would come from avoiding lifelong productivity losses that arise from low birth weight.

November 5, 2015
November 5, 2015

Bangladesh on track for reducing stunting

It is assuring to note that Bangladesh is on course to meet the global targets for reducing the rate of stunting, low height for age among children under five.

July 27, 2015
July 27, 2015

US Dietary guidelines for 2015 to lift restriction on fats, except for saturated kind

The 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) is likely to recommend lifting its previous restrictions on most fats as a new report signals change may be afoot.

June 24, 2015
June 24, 2015

Best food practices in Ramadan (video)

Ramadan is upon us and Muslims all around the world have embarked in a month of fasting and abstinence. The Daily Star suggests some healthy practices to keep you fit and healthy this Ramadan.

June 14, 2015
June 14, 2015

Miracle food to fight malnutrition (video)

A promising cereal formula has been invented by Bangladesh experts to fight deadly acute malnutrition in children. The ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) is made of locally available ingredients.

May 19, 2015
May 19, 2015

Contribution of forests to end hunger

A new United Nations-backed report on the link between forests and food production and nutrition says that woodlands could be the key to ending hunger and will be intimately linked to the global fight against climate change.

March 25, 2015
March 25, 2015

Milk not so healthy really

Studies show that drinking milk, which has been a staple food in every household for better growth and nourishment, might not be good for your health and may cause bone fractures in adults.

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