Comedian Kapil Sharma has reportedly received a death threat via email, originating from Pakistan, according to the police. The comedian now joins the list of celebrities, including Rajpal Yadav, Sugandha Mishra, and Remo D’Souza, who have recently been targeted with similar threats.
Bollywood actor Rajpal Yadav, who was last seen sharing screen space with Hollywood actors like Martin Sheen and Mischa Barton in “Bhopal: A Prayer For Rain”, says that he is going to play lead roles in two of his international projects.
Comedian Kapil Sharma has reportedly received a death threat via email, originating from Pakistan, according to the police. The comedian now joins the list of celebrities, including Rajpal Yadav, Sugandha Mishra, and Remo D’Souza, who have recently been targeted with similar threats.
Bollywood actor Rajpal Yadav, who was last seen sharing screen space with Hollywood actors like Martin Sheen and Mischa Barton in “Bhopal: A Prayer For Rain”, says that he is going to play lead roles in two of his international projects.