readers submission

POETRY / Raw Magnolias

This is a garden, these are my petals; this is my armoring plant

POETRY / I've seen love

I've seen love/ Rolling down from a mother's eyes/ As she picks her lean child, bathed in innocent blood

POETRY / A means to an end

go further than/ what the hills have seen/ through their ice pick scars

POETRY / Saree

The yard in this noontime is buzzing with/ The white aroma of the guava flower

POETRY / Cyan is my name when I talk about you

I'm tired of living with this nagging thought that we'll cross paths someday, /You and I

POETRY / A Desire or death eats away at my corpse. You are basking in the sun

Do you want my hands/ Will they be enough to keep you warm

POETRY / Sleepy ghost flight

You have made ice out of my heart;/ we were once nothing–you brutalise me

FICTION / The smell

“Stop mocking me, Atif! I am telling you there is something here.” 

POETRY / To the Newton of Gaza

Words were never my greatest strength/ But the arsonist's child will read them

February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023

La Marionette

She wakes up suddenly from her unnatural beeline posture, slowly and ever so gently, like a chained demon would after just hours of calculated slumber. I never look.

January 28, 2023
January 28, 2023

Love won’t you love me

Break me into numbers and spirals, and blood and flesh make me all that I don't wish to be.

January 7, 2023
January 7, 2023

Favourite season

Showers and storms give way To a surge of sunlight A fragrance of hope floats in On morning breeze

December 17, 2022
December 17, 2022

Catch spooky horror tales this winter!

Catch more ghost stories like this from the winners of 'Winter Night Ghost Stories' competition all throughout winter, every weekend, here.

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