In 2024, Bangladesh’s youth, Millennials and Gen Z, are rewriting the political playbook.
Standing on the isthmus of change, we must avoid any form of myopia.
Dissent in Bangladesh has been met with hostility, with individuals being labelled as traitors or enemies of the state for expressing opposing views.
The real test lies in the reform strategies that can steer a country toward justice.
Throughout the days of fear, uncertainty and lack of security during the revolution, the students of Chattogram remained united and steadfast while after the revolution, they took it upon themselves to help out the community. The change, brought forward by the students, can now be felt throughout the city.
And along with our bodies, the rage keeps on, / we chafe and bleed and clot and steer; / we go mad and nude
The current revolution in Iran is one that will go down in history as evidence that human beings have indomitable spirits and aren’t just mere sheep-like, “docile” bodies that abide by the laws of an all-seeing authoritarian shepherd.
In 2024, Bangladesh’s youth, Millennials and Gen Z, are rewriting the political playbook.
Standing on the isthmus of change, we must avoid any form of myopia.
Dissent in Bangladesh has been met with hostility, with individuals being labelled as traitors or enemies of the state for expressing opposing views.
The real test lies in the reform strategies that can steer a country toward justice.
Throughout the days of fear, uncertainty and lack of security during the revolution, the students of Chattogram remained united and steadfast while after the revolution, they took it upon themselves to help out the community. The change, brought forward by the students, can now be felt throughout the city.
And along with our bodies, the rage keeps on, / we chafe and bleed and clot and steer; / we go mad and nude
The current revolution in Iran is one that will go down in history as evidence that human beings have indomitable spirits and aren’t just mere sheep-like, “docile” bodies that abide by the laws of an all-seeing authoritarian shepherd.