Saudi oil cut

Saudi Arabia and Russia deepen oil cuts, sending prices higher

Saudi Arabia and Russia, the world's biggest oil exporters, deepened oil cuts on Monday, sending prices higher despite concerns over a global economic slowdown and possible further interest rate hikes from the US Federal Reserve.

Saudi pledges big oil cuts in July as OPEC+ extends deal into 2024

Saudi Arabia will make a deep cut to its output in July on top of a broader OPEC+ deal to limit supply into 2024 as the group seeks to boost flagging oil prices.

July 3, 2023
July 3, 2023

Saudi Arabia and Russia deepen oil cuts, sending prices higher

Saudi Arabia and Russia, the world's biggest oil exporters, deepened oil cuts on Monday, sending prices higher despite concerns over a global economic slowdown and possible further interest rate hikes from the US Federal Reserve.

June 5, 2023
June 5, 2023

Saudi pledges big oil cuts in July as OPEC+ extends deal into 2024

Saudi Arabia will make a deep cut to its output in July on top of a broader OPEC+ deal to limit supply into 2024 as the group seeks to boost flagging oil prices.