sexually transmitted disease

First sexually transmitted Zika case detected in France

France has detected its first sexually transmitted case of Zika in a woman whose partner had traveled to Brazil, the epicentre of an outbreak of the virus, a senior health official says.

Gonorrhoea 'could become untreatable'

Gonorrhoea can become an untreatable disease, England's chief medical officer has warned.

February 28, 2016
February 28, 2016

First sexually transmitted Zika case detected in France

France has detected its first sexually transmitted case of Zika in a woman whose partner had traveled to Brazil, the epicentre of an outbreak of the virus, a senior health official says.

December 27, 2015
December 27, 2015

Gonorrhoea 'could become untreatable'

Gonorrhoea can become an untreatable disease, England's chief medical officer has warned.