Nader Chowdhury’s directorial debut “Jinn” created quite a buzz among audiences, with actor Shajal Noor in the lead role. Following its success, “Mona: Jinn-2” was produced, but Shajal was not part of the cast. Now, “Jinn 3” is set to go into production, featuring actor Shajal in the lead, once again.
"1971 Shei Shob Din" has the potential to resonate with audiences across different backgrounds, and shed light on a crucial period in Bangladesh's history. As this cinematic gem gradually reaches more viewers, it's bound to make a significant impact in both the realm of entertainment and historical education.
While the film’s promotions are already on a high tide, the production house has recently released the video of one of the songs in the movie
Popular actor Shajal is currently in Bali, Indonesia, working on seven different tele-fictions for the upcoming festive season of Eid-ul-Adha. Some of these tele-fictions are Ruman Runi's 'Otbhud Shomporko', 'Baalijhor', 'Megh Bole Na Kotha', and Shakhawat Manik's 'Mr Perfect.'
Mehazabien Chowdhury, who came to the showbiz arena with beauty pageant Lux Channel i Superstar, and popular actor Shajal are an on-screen couple audiences adore. This year, the couple will come together for a special television drama for Eid, titled Ditiyo Jatrar Aagey. It is directed by Chayanika Chowdhury and written by Iffat Arefin Tony. The drama, which will be aired on Bangla Vision during Eid, narrates the
Popular actor Shajal has much on his plate in the run up to Eid-ul-Azha and has just finished shoots for two Eid special plays.
Actress and model Chadni is gradually making a comeback to the circuit, after a hiatus. One of her latest projects is “Bala”, a single-episode play being made for Mother's Day. Written by Kamona Seema and directed by Nuzhat Alvi Ahmed, it casts popular actor Sajal Nur opposite her.
Nader Chowdhury’s directorial debut “Jinn” created quite a buzz among audiences, with actor Shajal Noor in the lead role. Following its success, “Mona: Jinn-2” was produced, but Shajal was not part of the cast. Now, “Jinn 3” is set to go into production, featuring actor Shajal in the lead, once again.
"1971 Shei Shob Din" has the potential to resonate with audiences across different backgrounds, and shed light on a crucial period in Bangladesh's history. As this cinematic gem gradually reaches more viewers, it's bound to make a significant impact in both the realm of entertainment and historical education.
While the film’s promotions are already on a high tide, the production house has recently released the video of one of the songs in the movie
Popular actor Shajal is currently in Bali, Indonesia, working on seven different tele-fictions for the upcoming festive season of Eid-ul-Adha. Some of these tele-fictions are Ruman Runi's 'Otbhud Shomporko', 'Baalijhor', 'Megh Bole Na Kotha', and Shakhawat Manik's 'Mr Perfect.'
Mehazabien Chowdhury, who came to the showbiz arena with beauty pageant Lux Channel i Superstar, and popular actor Shajal are an on-screen couple audiences adore. This year, the couple will come together for a special television drama for Eid, titled Ditiyo Jatrar Aagey. It is directed by Chayanika Chowdhury and written by Iffat Arefin Tony. The drama, which will be aired on Bangla Vision during Eid, narrates the
Popular actor Shajal has much on his plate in the run up to Eid-ul-Azha and has just finished shoots for two Eid special plays.
Actress and model Chadni is gradually making a comeback to the circuit, after a hiatus. One of her latest projects is “Bala”, a single-episode play being made for Mother's Day. Written by Kamona Seema and directed by Nuzhat Alvi Ahmed, it casts popular actor Sajal Nur opposite her.